
#3657 behavior of Page-down key in file with long lines

minor bug

Cursor jumps to different column when pressing Page-Down key in a file with long lines if you have scrolled
to the right.

Steps to reproduce:
- Create textfile with long lines. The lines must be longer than the current "viewport"/size of the jedit window
- Scroll completely to the right and position the cursor in a line, but not at the end of the line!
Choose a position which is more than 60 characters away from the end of the line.
- Press Page-Down key
- The cursor is moved down AND right (approx. 60 characters)

Tested on:

OS: Oracle Solaris 10 x86
Java: SUN 1.6.0_29
jEdit: 4.4.1 server mode

OS: Windows 2003 Server
Java: 1.6.0_31
jEdit: 4.5 server mode


  • Dale Anson

    Dale Anson - 2018-08-07
    • status: open --> closed-invalid
    • Group: --> minor bug
  • Dale Anson

    Dale Anson - 2018-08-07

    That is the way it is supposed to work. If you start at 60 characters to the right, hit page down, and if the line it lands on is shorter than 60 characters, then the caret goes to the end of the line, not some number of blank spaces after the end of the line. If it happens to land on a line longer than 60 characters, the caret will be at the 60 character spot. I know some other editors do what you're suggesting, and other editors do as jEdit does. This is the way it is for jEdit.


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