
#2806 jedit4.3pre9 editing javascript using all CPU on osx 10.4.8

severe bug
Peter Staab

Within the past month, I can't use jedit2.3pre8 or pre9. I am running osx 10.4.8 which appears to have java 1.5.0_06.

The program runs fine, except that after using jedit for about 10 minutes or so, the CPU usage spikes. There is nothing obvious in the log files to indicate why this happens. The only thing that stops it, is to quit out of jedit and restart.


  • Alan Ezust

    Alan Ezust - 2007-02-01

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    Originator: NO

    I assume you mean 4.3pre8 or 9, because 2.3 is waaaay before my time.
    anyway, it could be related to one of the plugins, it's hard to diagnose with this little information.
    can you notice if yo uwere editing a file of the same type? or the same file? when it happened?
    also , i suggest you also install jdk 1.6 and compare to see if yo have the same problem there.

  • kasimir-k

    kasimir-k - 2007-02-12

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    I've had similar problem on with pre9 (and probably pre8 too) on WinXP and jdk 1.6.

    I haven't done much testing, but just now I tried twice: open some php and js files, not editing or saving them. And both times, after some minutes, javaw.exe starts using all CPU it can get. When I check it in Process Explorer I can see that there's one thread responsible: msvcr71.dll, and it's stack is
    (no idea what that means, but just in case it's helpful :-)

    I've tried minimizing the number of activated plugis, now I had these Beauty, Common Controls, Console, ErrorList, FTP, Jakarta Commons, SideKick, Spell Check, Templates, WhiteSpace, XercesPlugin, XML and XMLIndenter.

  • kasimir-k

    kasimir-k - 2007-02-13

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    Did some more tests, and it seems that this happens only if SpellCheck plugin is activated, and I'm editing Javascript files. Without SpellCheck I couldn't reproduce this, nor with just PHP files.

  • Alan Ezust

    Alan Ezust - 2007-02-13
    • summary: jedit2.3pre9 using all CPU on osx 10.4.8 --> jedit4.3pre9 editing javascript using all CPU on osx 10.4.8
  • Alan Ezust

    Alan Ezust - 2007-02-13

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    Originator: NO

    My guess is this is related to editing JavaScript.
    If you have sidekick enabled and are using the ECMA script parser, try changing to the JavaScript parser (in sidekick parsers options) and see if you get the same problem.

  • kasimir-k

    kasimir-k - 2007-02-13

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    Your guess was spot on ezust! Spell Checker indeed had nothing to do with it, but parsing Javascript with the ECMA Script parser. Changing to Javascript parser - no more problems. Also, this didn't happen with all JS-files, but with only one - I still haven't figured out what in that file upsets the ECMA Script parser.

  • Alan Ezust

    Alan Ezust - 2007-02-13

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Closed. Duplicate of 1610416.

  • Alan Ezust

    Alan Ezust - 2007-02-13
    • status: open --> closed-duplicate

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