
JAmiga / News: Recent posts

JAmiga status update May 2004

Dear JAmigans,

it's been a long time since our last status update and things have become very quiet around JAmiga. However, a lot of work was done in the background. We have meanwhile ported JAmiga so that it can be compiled with gcc which will open up chances to compile it for other platforms.
While being a major task, for most users no difference between the StormC and gcc version will be visible.... read more

Posted by Peter Werno 2004-05-02

Mac OSX Version available

Today we have uploaded an initial "sneak preview" of JAmiga compiled on a Mac. The first Version is packaged under but still lacks a lot of features already available in the Amiga-Packages of that version. However, it already features GNU classpath 0.06 which will soon be ported to the Amiga-versions as well.
Also, the Mac Version does not yet feature a JIT engine yet which is to follow soon (and will then subsequently ported to AmigaOS 4 and MOS).... read more

Posted by Peter Werno 2003-11-09

Bug in current JIT code

Hi JAmigans,

there is a bug in the JIT-compiler. It will translate the "goto" and the "iinc" opcode incorrectly. While the latter can cause incorrect results, the first can indeed cause severe crashes. This issue will be fixed in an upcoming release.


Peter Werno

Posted by Peter Werno 2003-09-10

Another New Release, now with JIT

Hello JAmigans,

we have just released the new pre-alpha which is the first version to incorporate a JIT engine. Throw your tests at it !!

Posted by Peter Werno 2003-09-02

New release pre-alpha

As promised, this release now comes with the GNU classpath. It's an early version and sockets or io has not been implemented yet.

Posted by Peter Werno 2003-07-20

JAmiga will go GNU classpath

Hello everybody,

The decision has been made: JAmiga will use the GNU classpath project.

Release will be the first version to use this classpath and it will actually COME with it, so no need to download the rt.jar from sun anymore!

You can even expect an installer in a later release (probably not that will copy the files wherever you want them to go and that sets the necessary paths & environment-variables!... read more

Posted by Peter Werno 2003-07-17