
#738 use relative file ref paths

Next full release


The App always inserts full or absolute paths whenever a file (e.g. full text PDF) is added to a bibitem. This is fine if you're only working on one machine, but I sync my bibliography around the place with dropbox, so the absolute path changes quite a bit (while it's still the same relative path).

The app is happy with me changing the path by hand after I add each item, but that's a bit annoying when I'm adding 50 refs a day (as at the moment rushing through a lit review).

So, my feature request is a preference setting that let's you automatically replace all file paths with relative ones to the bibtex database.

And.... I've coded it this afternoon, against the trunk (2.8) branch. I also wrote some unit tests for it.

It does contain one nasty hack, commented as such, because I couldn't see how to get hold of the currently-focussed database path easily - if there's a simpler way I'd be happy to change it, just let me know.

attached is the patch.




  • geekofhearts

    geekofhearts - 2011-08-26

    diff of the necessary changes

  • geekofhearts

    geekofhearts - 2011-08-29

    A further note to this request - the patch submitted is also broken in another way - it flips the path of all files on open too, as I used the object constructor. This makes it incompatible with multiple databases opening at once due to the horrible hack (focus on the correct pain isn't a valid assumption).

    I'll work on a new version that hooks into the dialog submit button rather than the constructor, which should make the assumption valid again.

  • geekofhearts

    geekofhearts - 2011-08-29

    *pane not pain.

  • Oliver Kopp

    Oliver Kopp - 2015-05-26
    • status: open --> closed
    • Group: --> Next full release
  • fdar

    fdar - 2015-07-22
    • Labels: Interface Improvements (example) --> pdf, Interface Improvements (example)
  • fdar

    fdar - 2015-07-22
    • Labels: pdf, Interface Improvements (example) --> pdf, dropbox, Interface Improvements (example)
  • fdar

    fdar - 2015-07-22
    • Labels: pdf, dropbox, Interface Improvements (example) --> interface, pdf, dropbox, Interface Improvements (example)

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