
#63 Global search

Next full release
Ivan Havel

I have another request/question. Would it be difficicult
add a possibility to search through all the opened
databases, not just only one at a time? As I talked to a
few of my colleagues it is quite desirable feature.
Thanks for considering,


  • Morten Omholt Alver

    Logged In: YES

    Technically, it's no problem to implement a global search. The question
    is how to present the results.

    The current search functions simply make changes to the table view,
    while a global search would need to create a new table. Would it be
    sufficient to create a new tab titled "Search results", where the entries
    were listed, but not editable? Or can we simply create a new database
    containing copies of the found entries? The latter option would be
    easiest to implement, but maybe less intuitive.

    Any opinions on this?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Hi there,
    Great work with this soft !
    Global search function is indeed very desirable (at least to
    me !)

  • Jens Müller

    Jens Müller - 2005-06-20

    Logged In: YES

    A global search would be very interesting for me to. The way
    how to handle it could be different from system (old) to
    system (younger). Due to my old Laptop with 400 MHz and 192
    MB I dont like a lot of open datafiles. For that reason I
    just have open the actual bibtextfile and some temporary
    files for temporary literature search/work.
    But there are also some bib-Files (more than 10) with more
    than 1000 entries on my harddisk (databases from colleages,
    sciencedirect, pubmed; including abstracts etc.). They are
    to heavy for my system, so I dont have them all the time open.
    For that reason there are 2 search ways:

    *the 1st for the opened datafiles, the search could be in
    the same window like now (including a 4th option for the
    global search), but just done in all opend windows with an
    result window containing a summury about the found entries
    in all opened windows. This window could be attached to the
    left side were the group, pubmed, and search windows are. No
    its only necessary to switch to the windows and the results
    are handled like in the past for a single window.

    *the 2nd way should evaluate datafiles stored on the
    harddisk. It should be handled like the pubmed-search. For
    that it would be necessary to configure the base datafiles
    and/or directory (where the files for a global search are
    stored). For my opinion it this necessary to have a
    task/robot which can run through the files, looking for
    keywords in selected fields similar to the 3rd field in the
    group configuration of the group type. I think the way to
    import the data should be the same like for pubmed (which is
    very nice now in version 1.8b). The search should work with
    less memory and maybe in the background.

    I was also think about a connection to mysql or another
    database for fast searching, indexing and storage. Compared
    to a search through 10, 100 or 1000 bibtex-files it could
    be also from interessed to store the files/datas in an
    external database which could be used for fast search in at
    least author, title, abstract and keywords followed by a
    fast import. This idea was based on the question "what is
    better?": a) to use an exisitig database (which is maybe
    unliked to install for the most of the people) or b) to
    reinvent search and indexing algorithms.

    Following this ideas it is maybe better to develop an
    external search agent which can handle requests from jabref
    via search in bibtex(Endnote,RIS)-files and external
    databases. This service could(should) be run on different
    machines too (to be a server for workgroups) with a
    futuristic option to handle peer-to-peer requests (but I
    have no idea how good is the bibster protocol for that).

    At this time I hate the actual situation in the official
    webportals (WebOfScience, sciencedirect, pubmed), that old
    literature before 1995, 1990 often is not included or only
    partialy available/accessable for at least title/keyword
    search. For my topic, there are articles from 1950, 1940 and
    before which could be find in some older articels and
    because of that in some user databases but nowhere else
    (pubmed, sciencedirect) till now (no access in WOS for more
    than 6 years old stuff). In this case an information share
    would be from high interest and due to copyright problems
    maybe the p2p way is the only one possible (I dont know
    exactly which citation headers, keywords, abstracts or
    conclusions could have copyright problems on single servers
    which would collect bibtex/refer/RIS-files from all users
    and offer them for all people which are looking for some
    information). In this case the word "global search" would
    get another content like described above, just for some
    single bibtex-files.

    Have a good day and thanks for the very nice and lovely
    jabref ...

  • Igor

    Igor - 2011-12-14

    What about colouring the found entries in each tab? Maybe, it would be also possible to highlight the tabs in which there are entries found?

  • Igor

    Igor - 2012-01-03

    This is already implemented, right?

  • fdar

    fdar - 2015-07-22
    • Labels: --> search
  • fdar

    fdar - 2015-07-23
    • Labels: search --> search, tocategorize
  • fdar

    fdar - 2015-08-04

    Exists in JabRef 2.10

  • fdar

    fdar - 2015-08-04
    • labels: search, tocategorize --> EntryBrowsing
    • status: open --> closed
    • Group: --> Next full release

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