
#43 OPAC

Next full release

search online OPAC catalog
selecting results
and import selected results.

With this additional feature i would be totaly happy.

Very good work so far anyway.



  • Seb Wills

    Seb Wills - 2004-04-13

    Logged In: YES

    I agree something like this would be a great feature. I'm
    not sure if OPAC actually defines a protocol for retrieving
    records, but the z39.50 protocol does. For example, EndNote
    allows you to interactively search an online catalogue which
    provides a z39.50 interface (e.g. Library of Congress) and
    select which of the returned results to import into your
    database (my partner uses this to interactively search for
    and import records from the combined catalogues of the main
    UK academic libraries). Something like this in JabRef would
    be fantastic.

    I notice there are various Java libraries for z39.50. I
    guess the biggest hurdle would be that it introduces a new
    type of panel into JabRef -- a table of references (the
    search results) which are distinct from the main database
    being edited. It could appear in the bottom of half the
    screen, where the entry editing panel usually lives. But
    given that you might want to drag results from a paritcular
    z39.50 search into various different databases you have
    open, it might make more sense to have it as a separate
    floating window, or on a tab like another database.

  • Johannes Bühler

    Logged In: YES

    You are right the z39.50 protocol is the important feature
    to request.
    But anyway the OPAC catalog implements the z39.50 protocol.
    The way i get the literature in JabRef is to search the only
    catalog via the webinterface and export the results in a
    bibtex file and import the file into JabRef. But this is of
    course not the most comfortable way.
    Your ideas of integrating the search into JabRef sounds good
    to me.
    are you working on implementing such a feature. id ont have
    any time to look at the code, because im in the final period
    of my diploma theses. But JabRef is a helpful and timesaving


  • Seb Wills

    Seb Wills - 2004-04-14

    Logged In: YES

    No, sorry, I don't have time to work on an implementation
    either - similarly to you, I'm in the final phase of my PhD :-)

  • fdar

    fdar - 2015-07-22
    • Labels: --> search
  • fdar

    fdar - 2015-07-22
    • Labels: search --> import, search
  • fdar

    fdar - 2015-07-22
    • Labels: import, search --> import, search, online
  • fdar

    fdar - 2015-07-23
    • Labels: import, search, online --> import, search, tocategorize, online
  • fdar

    fdar - 2015-07-29
    • labels: import, search, tocategorize, online --> Import, Database, z39.50
    • Group: --> Next full release

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