
#42 Add reverse cross-reference search to context menu

Next full release
Daniel Webb

When looking at a bibliography entry, one of the things I'm usually interested in is which paper I have cross-referencing the one I'm looking at. It would be very nice if this option was in the context menu of the entry.


  • Morten Omholt Alver

    Logged In: YES

    I'm just curious; are you using crossreferences for linking related
    articles? In the pure bibtex sense, crossref is for "inheriting" missing
    fields from another entry (e.g. an "inbook" can inherit publisher,
    author/editor etc. from a "book"). I've never found much use for it, which
    is one reason I haven't thought of adding extra functionality for it. From
    your suggestions, am I right to assume that you use crossrefs in a
    different way?

  • Daniel Webb

    Daniel Webb - 2004-05-03

    Logged In: YES

    I haven't used it a lot either, I was just thinking of ways
    it would be more useful. I didn't realize the traditional
    way it was used in bibtex. Inheriting fields doesn't sound
    like something I would use.

  • fdar

    fdar - 2015-07-22
    • Labels: --> search
  • fdar

    fdar - 2015-07-23
    • Labels: search --> search, tocategorize
  • fdar

    fdar - 2015-08-04
    • labels: search, tocategorize --> EntryRecord, EntryBrowsing
    • Group: --> Next full release

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