Is it possible to have JabRef use different preferences, including custom entry types, for different databases on the same machine?

I started using JabRef while doing my doctorate, and have found it to be, by far, the best bibliography manager I've used, free or otherwise. Accordingly, I would like to adapt it to a different project, but I'm having a bit of trouble.

I am working with several colleagues on a project involving mining conflicts. We have collectively compiled a collection of documents and other files related to the project, and I am trying to organize them in a standardized database. I'd rather not go to the trouble of building a database interface from scratch, and thought that JabRef would be the perfect application to handle the task. The catch is, many of these are not scholarly articles, but news accounts and other items. Accordingly, I would like to customize several settings, including how Bibtex keys are generated and what columns are displayed, but I wish to keep these separate from the settings configured to manage my personal academic library. More importantly, I would like to designate several custom-entry types, add and remove fields from existing entry-types, and designate several custom journal abbreviations. I am aware of the ability to export and import preferences in XML, but that has two drawbacks:

  1. This would mean that I would have to remember to import the appropriate XML file depending on which library I am working with. I can almost guarantee that I will forget to do this repeatedly.
  2. As I recall, JabRef does not export and import changes to the entry types.

I run JabRef from the jar file, so I thought perhaps if I used a different copy of the jar file, the preferences would be maintained separately. Alas, this does not seem to be the case. Does anyone know where these preferences are stored, and whether it would be possible to direct JabRef to use different sets upon launching?

Thank you very much.