
#1217 Bug within “export to clipboard” when abstract or note fields are sizable

fixup release

Bug within “export to clipboard” when abstract or note fields are sizable.

Earlier versions of JabRef allowed the Chicago and Turabian abstract and note filters to prepare "rtf"s with thousands of characters in the "note" and "abstract" fields, among others. Not any longer, since version 2.10 the “export to clipboard,” to which the new ISO690 plugin must be added, have lost the capacity. It is now limited to somewhat above two pages but below six formatted pages.

Many JabRef users, who keep extensive annotations in these fields, are not being able to export the contents of the entries to LibreOffice and other word processing programs.

Enclosed please find a JabRef file with just two references. "Goya - SEAMLESS" exports the abstract and note seamlessly, however "Goya - BUG" won't. The latter reference, exports whatever was in the clipboard.

1 Attachments


  • Oliver Kopp

    Oliver Kopp - 2014-03-23

    Where do I find the ISO690 plugin? I couldn't locate it at I only have the option "File>Export". There, the ISO690 export works - even though it logs many things in the console and takes plenty of time.

  • Mariane Affonso Medeiros

    I'm working in this bug.

    • Oliver Kopp

      Oliver Kopp - 2015-09-10

      Dear Mariane,
      Good to hear. May I ask about news? Did I oversee a pull request on github?

  • Juan Jose Baldrich

    Dear Mariane:

    I appreciate that you are working to fix the bug. JabRef is a wonderful research tool that the bug taxed severely. On a personal note, I am committed to the open source community to the extent of having developed and revised the Turabian and Chicago plugins for JabRef.

    Juan José


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