
#1146 Citations fetched from IEEEXplore lose authors and appear as Proceedings

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The title pretty much describes it. This seems to happen to all IEEExplore fetches I do, so it should be easy to reproduce. The following steps will produce the problem for me on version 2.9.2:

  1. Use the web search tool to search for "Measured Joint Doppler-delay Power Profiles for Vehicle-to-vehicle Communications at 2.4 GHz" on IEEEXplore.
  2. Accept the 1 offered citation.

The BibTeX source generated is:

title = {Measured joint {Doppler}-delay power profiles for vehicle-to-vehicle
  communications at 2.4 {GHz}},
year = {2004},
volume = {6},
abstract = {Measured per-tap Doppler spectra are presented for a frequency selective
  vehicle-to-vehicle or mobile-to-mobile wireless communications link
  in various multipath environments in Atlanta, Georgia. The measurements
  were taken using the direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) technique
  at 2.45 GHz. The environments, chosen for their exceptionally long
  delay spreads, include an expressway, an urban T-intersection, and
  an exit ramp. The different environments produced quite different
  spectra. Also, for a given channel, the spectra corresponding to
  different delays were different, implying a non-separable channel
author = ,
booktitle = {Global Telecommunications Conference, 2004. GLOBECOM '04. IEEE},
doi = {10.1109/GLOCOM.2004.1379082},
owner = {eanderso},
pages = {3813--3817},
timestamp = {2013.04.03},
url = {}


Oddly, when I search for and download the same citation through IEEEXplore manually, I get the following, correct-looking data:

author={Acosta, G. and Tokuda, K. and Brunelli, D.}, 
booktitle={Global Telecommunications Conference, 2004. GLOBECOM '04. IEEE}, title={Measured joint Doppler-delay power profiles for vehicle-to-vehicle communications at 2.4 GHz}, 
pages={3813-3817 Vol.6}, 
abstract={Measured per-tap Doppler spectra are presented for a frequency selective vehicle-to-vehicle or mobile-to-mobile wireless communications link in various multipath environments in Atlanta, Georgia. The measurements were taken using the direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) technique at 2.45 GHz. The environments, chosen for their exceptionally long delay spreads, include an expressway, an urban T-intersection, and an exit ramp. The different environments produced quite different spectra. Also, for a given channel, the spectra corresponding to different delays were different, implying a non-separable channel model.}, 
keywords={Doppler effect;delays;mobile radio;multipath channels;spread spectrum communication;2.45 GHz;Doppler spectra;delay spread;direct sequence spread spectrum technique;exit ramp;expressway;frequency selective communications link;joint Doppler-delay power profiles;mobile-to-mobile wireless communications;multipath environments;urban T-intersection;vehicle-to-vehicle communications;Bandwidth;Communication standards;Delay;Frequency measurement;Intelligent transportation systems;Mobile communication;Power measurement;Spread spectrum communication;Standards development;Vehicles}, 


  • Morten Omholt Alver

    Have you tested with the most recent beta version (2.10b)? I can't reproduce this problem, even for this particular entry.

  • Y. Zang

    Y. Zang - 2013-10-19

    Tested the same entry with 2.10.b:
    1. the bibtex entry generated by Jabref became type InProceedings (correct)
    2. However, the author entry in the Jabref generated bibtex was still scrambled by the "authorAffliations" info. Please see below the Jabref (2.10.b) generated bibtex and IEEExplore downloaded bibtex, in comparison:

    Jabref generated:

    Title = {Measured joint {Doppler}-delay power profiles for vehicle-to-vehicle communications at 2.4~{GHz}},
    Author = {span id="authorAffiliations" class="Sch. of Electr. \& Comput. Eng., Georgia Inst. of Technol., Atlanta, GA, G., USA|c|"> Acosta and Tokuda, K. and Ingram, M. A.},
    Booktitle = {Global Telecommunications Conference, 2004. GLOBECOM '04. IEEE},
    Year = {2004},
    Pages = {3813--3817},
    Volume = {6},

    Doi = {10.1109/GLOCOM.2004.1379082},
    Owner = {Zang},
    Timestamp = {2013.10.19},
    Url = {}

    IEEExplore downladed:

    author={Acosta, G. and Tokuda, K. and Ingram, M.-A.},
    booktitle={Global Telecommunications Conference, 2004. GLOBECOM '04. IEEE},
    title={Measured joint Doppler-delay power profiles for vehicle-to-vehicle communications at 2.4 GHz},
    pages={3813-3817 Vol.6},
    keywords={Doppler effect;delays;mobile radio;multipath channels;spread spectrum communication;2.45 GHz;Doppler spectra;delay spread;direct sequence spread spectrum technique;exit ramp;expressway;frequency selective communications link;joint Doppler-delay power profiles;mobile-to-mobile wireless communications;multipath environments;urban T-intersection;vehicle-to-vehicle communications;Bandwidth;Communication standards;Delay;Frequency measurement;Intelligent transportation systems;Mobile communication;Power measurement;Spread spectrum communication;Standards development;Vehicles},


    Last edit: Y. Zang 2013-10-19
  • Oliver Kopp

    Oliver Kopp - 2015-12-23

    Should be fixed in JabRef 3.1

  • Oliver Kopp

    Oliver Kopp - 2015-12-23
    • status: open --> closed

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