
#578 undefined symbol - ivl_design_flag

Other (110)

I tried compiling and using 0.8.6 of iverilog. But when
I tried compiling a design, I get the following error
message, apparently because something isn't done quite
correctly for vvp.tgt shared object.

...lib/ivl: symbol lookup error: ...lib/ivl/vvp.tgt: undefined symbols: ivl_design_flag.

I suspect this is a known problem, could someone please
let me know how I get around it?


  • Cary R.

    Cary R. - 2008-11-29

    I will not have access to my machine with V0.8 until Monday, but my version compiles and runs correctly, so this is not a known problem. We will likely need more information to figure this out and may need some help from you since we may not have access to the specify machine configuration that is having the problem. What we need for now is OS and version, compiler and version, machine type, compilation/execution command line and anything else that may be unique to your system? Were there any compilation errors/warnings?

    FYI If you are not using/do not need to use the synthesis parts of V0.8 then look at V0.9.devel. It is a much more capable simulator. We plan to release it as a stable release in the not too distant future. The snapshots are usually very stable and even the current head from git usually has minimal problems and when we think these may crop up we usually warn people in iverilog-devel ahead of time.

  • Cary R.

    Cary R. - 2008-11-29

    I'll add that we would like to get this fixed soon. We plan to release 0.8.7 (the last planed V0.8 release) fairly soon. Also does make check work correctly? Given the problem you are reporting I'm guessing it is not.

  • Cary R.

    Cary R. - 2008-12-01

    I did a quick check and this appears to be a problem in how you compiled Icarus. ivl_design_flag looks to be declared and exported correctly. Look at your build logs to see if you can find anything suspicious.

  • Cary R.

    Cary R. - 2008-12-02

    If you are unable to reply to this message because you originally posted this as "nobody", please send Steve or I an email and we will see what we can do. Otherwise we will close this report in a week or so.

  • Cary R.

    Cary R. - 2008-12-02
    • priority: 5 --> 4
    • status: open --> open-works-for-me
  • Cary R.

    Cary R. - 2008-12-10
    • status: open-works-for-me --> closed-works-for-me
  • Cary R.

    Cary R. - 2008-12-10

    It has been over a week and no reply so I'm closing this now.


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