Volker - 2015-01-27

I wanted to migrate from Windows to Ubuntu Linux. In Windows everything is working fine.
I can see all classrooms ...
Now i want to work with Ubuntu. So I installed Italc Master and Client. I copied the key file to /home/vxp/.italc/keys/private/teacher ("vxp" is me), and /home/vxp/.italc/keys/public/teacher In private/teacher a new keyfile was already generated.
GlobalConfig.xml was copied to /home/vxp/.italc "G" and "C" were changed to uppercase letters. In windows it was gloobalcnfig.xml
I got the message: No configurationfile found " Keine Konfigurationsdate gefunden".
Later I got the message: No conntection to Italc Service "Kein Kontakt zum Italc-Dienst".
What do I have to do? Thanks for any help and advice!