
IncrediBots / News: Recent posts

New tracker!

After two days of work, we've finally finished the move to a new tracker. You may or may not have seen the notices on the Feature Request and Bug trackers, but we've been planning for a while to switch over. The Sourceforge trackers are missing a few things here and there, and the more we looked into it, the more we realized the switch was necessary if we wanted any form of control over the trackers. After looking at our options, we decided to go with the Sourceforge-hosted MantisBT.... read more

Posted by  EMDF 2011-02-10

Cheat Engine now in Open Source!

I've been working on a project over the past few weeks that would re-enable the use of Cheat Engine in the open source IncrediBots. That day has finally come, and you can see it in its full glory here:

"CE" stands for "Cheat Engine". I documented every single line of code I modified, commenting out the old and pointing out the new, so if anyone wants to add Cheat Engine support in one of their mods, all you have to do is look at the "Source Code Changes.txt" file in the "src" directory for a list of lines I changed.... read more

Posted by  EMDF 2011-01-25

Download IncrediBots 1.21 and 2.31 now!

After one short week of beta testing period to work out the kinks and work out tweaks, Jaybit versions 1.21 and 2.31 are now available for download! Just click the big shiny button to download right away!

Do you want to watch IncrediBots being developed and tested live? Do you have any questions regarding IncrediBots and/or its development? Want to see features being added to IncrediBots before your very eyes? Go check this thread ( ) to see if I'm online, streaming LIVE video of IncrediBots being developed!

Posted by J'Brian 2011-01-22