

Stephen Branley

Help Hannah's Horse

If you've played Pacman you'll already be familiar with the idea of Help Hannah's Horse: guide Hannah around the maze, collecting the coins and avoiding the ghosts. To put a twist on this well-worn formula, there are also carrots that move around the maze that need to be collected in order to progress to the next level. A handful of powerups (and powerdowns) will appear from time to time:

Potion bottle: make Hannah invulnerable for a short time
Clock: pause the ghosts temporarily (they can still harm you though!)
Switch: reverse the direction of the left and right cursor keys


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Version 2.0 new menu system
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Version 2.0 "Fog of War" in Insane mode
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Version 1.2 title screen
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Level 1 showing potion power up
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Level 3 with the various gates and "stop time" power up
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Entering a high score

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