
Greenshot after uploading to ftp what about copying url to clipboard ?

  • Mitchm

    Mitchm - 2015-09-26


    Working with the flashfxp developer and command line i got the ability to now upload to ftp. However once its done, its not copying the url to clipboard like it does with IMGur and other plugins.

    Is this done at a Greenshot level or suppose to be at the ftp program level ???

    It my last thing to do before i can consider what i did a finished working solution :)

  • Jens Klingen

    Jens Klingen - 2015-09-27

    Hi Mitchm,

    I don't know whether flashfxp has a command line option to do this.
    Greenshot has no idea what happens to the file after it is passed to flashfxp, so it does not know the resulting FTP URL.

    Another user has posted a working batch script for FTP upload here, note how Andrew uses clip.exe to copy a custom URL to the clipboard, appending filename and extension (last line).

    It should be easy to replace the stuff above that line with the custom command your are already using for flashfxp, save it to a .bat file and execute that one from the external command plugin.

    Or maybe Andrew's solution work's out of the box for you? Then you wouldn't even need flashfxp.

    Hope this helps, best regards.
    Jens :)

  • Robin Krom

    Robin Krom - 2015-09-27

    In fact it even is a bit easier:
    If the script or command has a URL in the output, than Greenshot should be able to pick it up and use it. (And will copy it to the clipboard)

    Best wishes,

  • Mitchm

    Mitchm - 2015-09-29

    Ok i got some good news, speaking to the guys over at Flashfxp, the author of the plugin has been a real help and implemented a feature that now allows to use Greenshot for capture, and upload to FTP with Flashfxp (which personally is my favorite ftp client)

    Here are some instructions i would be greatful if you include this in a new blog post as i think it will benefit others.

    See the following post with the history and finally the working arguments for Greenshot.

    It works really good


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