
#923 Canon 600D - autoexposure error - PTP errorcode 0x2019


Canon 600D: Lets say I have the Exposure Dial in P mode and try to change it to AV I get the following error:
gphoto2-2.5.0/gphoto2$ env LANG=C gphoto2 --debug --debug-logfile=autoexposure_debug.txt --set-config capture=on --set-config-index autoexposuremode=2

*** Error ***
The property 'Canon Auto Exposure Mode' / 0xd105 was not set, PTP errorcode 0x2019.

*** Error ***
Failed to set new configuration value 2 for configuration entry autoexposuremode.
*** Error (-110: 'I/O in progress') ***

On my Canon 40D I get no error.

This error is seen before in:

Here some general info:
gphoto2-2.5.0/gphoto2$ gphoto2 --version
gphoto2 2.5.0

Copyright (c) 2000-2012 Lutz Mueller and others

gphoto2 comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. You may
redistribute copies of gphoto2 under the terms of the GNU General Public
License. For more information about these matters, see the files named COPYING.

This version of gphoto2 is using the following software versions and options:
gphoto2 2.5.0 gcc, popt(m), exif, no cdk, no aa, jpeg, no readline
libgphoto2 2.5.0 all camlibs, gcc, ltdl, EXIF
libgphoto2_port 0.10.0 gcc, ltdl, USB, serial without locking

gphoto2-2.5.0/gphoto2$ gphoto2 --set-config capture=on --get-config=/main/capturesettings/autoexposuremodeLabel: Canon Auto Exposure Mode
Current: P
Choice: 0 P
Choice: 1 TV
Choice: 2 AV
Choice: 3 Manual
Choice: 4 Bulb
Choice: 5 A_DEP
Choice: 6 DEP
Choice: 7 Custom
Choice: 8 Lock
Choice: 9 Green
Choice: 10 Night Portrait
Choice: 11 Sports
Choice: 12 Portrait
Choice: 13 Landscape
Choice: 14 Closeup
Choice: 15 Flash Off

Is this a limitation in the Canon 600D firmware or is this a gphoto bug?


  • Thor-Inge

    Thor-Inge - 2012-09-06

    Canon 600D autoexposure debug file

  • Marcus Meissner

    Marcus Meissner - 2012-09-07
    • assigned_to: nobody --> marcusmeissner
  • Marcus Meissner

    Marcus Meissner - 2012-09-07

    this change ability might not be available in lower range EOS cameras.

    The 2019 code means DeviceBusy, but this might not mean anyuthing :/

  • Thor-Inge

    Thor-Inge - 2012-09-07

    You might be right Marcus. Just tested this on my Canon 7D and no errormessage on that one.

  • Tsar

    Tsar - 2013-11-22

    I get same error with 650D. But with 550D it works fine.


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