
#193 Strange horizontal and vertical line in gnuplot 5.0 and current cvs


Dear All,

When I tell the external program wxMaxima to draw a png image using gnuplot and the pngcairo terminal the first row and the first column of the resulting bitmap are filled with black pixels. Likewise the the cairo terminal that creates pdf file will draw a horizontal and a vertical black line that will meet at the top left of the image. After loads of trial-and-error I was able to boil down the problem to the following lines in the .gnuplot file wxmaxima creates:

set obj 1 rectangle behind from screen 0.0,0.0 to screen 1.0,1.0
set style rectangle fillcolor rgb '#ffffff' fs solid 1.0 noborder

I assume that the "noborder" doesn't work. In gnuplot versions <5.0 the issue seems not to be present; If I issue a "replot" command the black lines disappear.

Will zip the files gnuplot creates and will add them to this bug report; The computer I am using is a 64-bit Ubuntu (Wiley) - but I got reports that the same phenomenon happens on Windows, too.

Kind regards,

1 Attachments


  • Ethan Merritt

    Ethan Merritt - 2015-10-13
    • The command "set obj 1 rectangle ..." starts with the default rectangle style in effect at the time the command is issued, and adds any additional properties that override the default.
    • At the time you issue this command in your script, the default rectangle style has a black border.
    • In the very next command you redefine the default rectangle style to remove the border, but that is too late to affect any rectangles that have been defined previously.

    You can either swap the order of those two commands, or add "fs solid noborder" to the "set obj" command.

  • Gunter Königsmann

    Hey! Thanks a lot for the quick answer!
    Did already file a pull request to the maxima project so the issue can be solved in the next version.

    Kind regards,


  • Gunter Königsmann

    Is there a way I can close this ticket? If no: For me it is solved.

  • Ethan Merritt

    Ethan Merritt - 2015-10-14
    • status: open --> closed
    • Group: -->

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