
gnuplot / News: Recent posts

Release announcement for gnuplot 4.6.4

               GNUPLOT VERSION 4.6.4

This is an incremental release of gnuplot version 4.6.
A short list of changes since the previous patchlevel (version 4.6.3)
is given below and in the NEWS file. Detailed information is in ChangeLog.

New features, changes and fixes since gnuplot version 4.6.3
===========================================================... read more

Posted by Ethan Merritt 2013-10-09

Gnuplot 4.4.3 released

This is an incremental update to the stable version 4.4

Posted by Ethan Merritt 2011-03-05

Gnuplot 4.4.2 released

Gnuplot 4.4.2 contains 3 bug fixes for 4.4.1; they fix a regression ("lc N" broken), a segfault ("refresh" after interrupted replot), and a clipping error.

Posted by Ethan Merritt 2010-09-27

gnuplot 4.2.6 released

Gnuplot version 4.2.6 is released as of today, 3 September 2009.

This will probably be the last incremental update of the 4.2 series. A first release candidate for version 4.4 will be along in the next month or two.

Posted by Ethan Merritt 2009-09-03

gnuplot 4.2.5 released

Gnuplot 4.2.5 (version 4.2 patchlevel 5) is an incremental release containing bugfixes and a few enhancements.

If you are looking for major new features, try the cvs development version (4.3).

Posted by Ethan Merritt 2009-03-30

4.2.4 released

Gnuplot 4.2.4 (version 4.2 patchlevel 4) is an incremental release containing bugfixes and some enhancements to the official version 4.2 release series.

If you are looking for major new features, try the cvs development version (4.3).

Posted by Ethan Merritt 2008-09-23

gnuplot 4.2.3 released

Incremental release of the current stable gnuplot version 4.2

Posted by Ethan Merritt 2008-03-08

gnuplot-4.2.1 released


Version 4.2.1 is an incremental bug-fix release for version 4.2.0.
A synopsis of the changes since 4.2.0 is given below and in the NEWS file.
Full information is given in the ChangeLog.

New features, changes and fixes since gnuplot version 4.2.0

* NEW allow extra column in 2D plots containing color information
* NEW set term latex {size XX,YY}
* FIX buffering of very long input lines
* FIX clipping of image data against plot boundary
* FIX polygon clipping bugs
* FIX key sample for plots with variable color
* FIX wxt initialization on non-gnu systems
* FIX escape sequence %% handling in sprintf() format strings
* FIX Apply "set style incr user" to 3D contours and to columnstacked histograms
* FIX Apply "set key {no}enhanced" to key titles read from a file
* FIX Allow string variable as filename for "fit via <filename>"
* CHANGE defer x11 initialization until first plot command
* CHANGE clean up configuration files for amg, cyg, mgw, dj2
* CHANGE modify SVG output to accommodate non-compliant viewers
* CHANGE allow 'strcol()' as shorthand for 'stringcolumn()'
* CHANGE default to "blacktext" for TeX-based PostScript variants... read more

Posted by Ethan Merritt 2007-08-26

gnuplot-4.2 released


We are delighted to announce the release of gnuplot version 4.2.
It has been almost 3 years since release of the previous version 4.0, but
we have put this time to good use. Version 4.2 contains a ton of new
features, support for several new output devices, and improved performance
when plotting large data sets. For a complete list of new features, see
the NEWS file that comes with the program.... read more

Posted by Hans-Bernhard Broeker 2007-03-04

4th (final) Release Candidate of version 4.2

We are delighted to announce the availability of the third and hopefully
final release candidate for gnuplot version 4.2, in the form of a source
file tarball. Pre-compiled binaries for selected platforms will follow.
Unless serious new bugs are reported, the final 4.2 release should be
identical to -rc4 except for the versioning tags.

Posted by Hans-Bernhard Broeker 2007-01-24

First release candidate of gnuplot-4.2 available

It's been a long while again, but not finally we're close. We're ramping up for a new release of gnuplot. The first release candidate tarball is in the file release system. You're invited to test it and report your findings.

Posted by Hans-Bernhard Broeker 2006-10-19

gnuplot 4.1 under development

Posted by Clark Gaylord 2006-01-11

gnuplot-4.0.0 Mac OSX binary release

Gnuplot is a scientific plotting package. Gnuplot 4.0 installer for Mac OS X available.Long overdue, a binary installer package of gnuplot 4.0 for Mac OS X is now available from the main download site,

This binary was built with support for, and requires the presence of, AquaTerm and XWindows (X11).
AquaTerm can be freely downloaded from and
X11 can be installed from your Mac OS X install CD or downloaded from Apple, read more

Posted by Hans-Bernhard Broeker 2004-10-07

gnuplot-4.0.0 finally released!

gnuplot is a popular scientific plotting package.

After an enormous time of more than 5 years, the gnuplot development team is proud to present to the world the first major version update of gnuplot since before the internet (well, almost ;-). See the release notes in the File release system for details. Places to learn about the new release include:

Posted by Hans-Bernhard Broeker 2004-04-16

Updated win32 binary package

I've just uploaded a new file to the "Files" pages --- it's the updated binary package for Win32 platforms. The original 3.7.3 binary for win32 was badly broken, so if you have it, be sure to dump it and use this one instead.

Posted by Hans-Bernhard Broeker 2003-02-06

gnuplot 3.7.3 released

The gnuplot project is pleased to announce the availability of gnuplot 3.7.3. gnuplot is a well-known scientific plotting package. Most, if not all, known bugs in gnuplot 3.7.2 have been fixed. This will most likely be the final release in the gnuplot 3.7 series, apart from another one or two possible bugfix releases. The developers are now concentrating their efforts on the next major release, gnuplot 4.0, which we hope to release during the first half of next year.... read more

Posted by Lars Hecking 2002-12-21

Branches merged

As of Halloween (01/11/2000), the two branch versions of gnuplot have been merged back into the trunk. Further development will only take place on the trunk version, from now on.

Posted by Hans-Bernhard Broeker 2000-12-14