
GeomSpace / News: Recent posts

GeomSpace 0.15-pre

After very long delay, I am happy to announce GeomSpace 0.15-pre release (i.e. pre-release). Unfortunately, I was out of business for quite long because of personal problems. I do not know how much time will pass until I can invest sufficient time and effort in the project. Still, the development of GeomSpace had place and I would rather share this results with you. Meanwhile, for the targeted feature set of 0.15 release, there remain only 2 problems: 1 bug and 1 feature. I was sure they will be finished in short time. Well, they are not. So, I decided to release 0.15-pre with thick lines feature (i.e. lines which are drawn as cylinders of given diameter in OpenGL) disabled for now. When 0.15 will be ready, I will be happy to release it. Unfortunately, MacOS users, especially owners of hi-dpi displays, will see very tiny 1-pixel-thick lines.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2022-04-05 Labels: 0.15-pre

GeomSpace 0.15 almost feature complete

As GeomSpace 0.15 recently became almost feature complete, I decided to publish its preview. It is only available in src version, so please consult Developer Manual about how to compile it for your favourite OS. Hopefully, remaining issues can be ironed soon so the final release can be made.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2021-07-11 Labels: GeomSpace 0.15

Upcoming GeomSpace 0.15

GeomSpace 0.15 slowly takes shape. This release will feature advanced OpenGL / GLSL capabilities (I learned them for the sake of GeomSpace). This OpenGL part was written and rewritten several times, either because something could not be acheived by some method or because all parts did not work together. Now things seem to cooperate and produce pleasant and performant result.

This being said, there is very much to be implemented. But at least it seems I found a good balance for the project and will not need to rewrite it again from zero. Hopefully 0.15 will be the last release tagged as Beta.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2020-06-09 Labels: GeomSpace 0.15

GeomSpace 0.14a

GeomSpace 0.14a is not a new release, only some minor fixes, mostly affecting macOS and *BSD worlds.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2017-08-06 Labels: 0.14a

GeomSpace 0.14

After long delay, GeomSpace 0.14 is out. Highlights: improved OpeGL drawing on supported hardware, improved overall GUI, improved OS X experience and as usually, bug fixes.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2016-06-13

GeomSpace 0.13.1 (src only)

I just uploaded GeomSpace version 0.13.1. Nothing new or changed. Just it is GCC 5.x friendly.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2016-03-09

Update of theory

After more than a year of silence, a new release of "Analytic Geometry of Homogeneous Spaces". The delay is due to the fact I prepare my PhD thesis this year. As soon as possible I will prepare the next version of GeomSpace.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2015-11-09

Analytic Geometry of Homogeneous Spaces - update

New update of "Analytic Geometry of Homogeneous Spaces". English version is now complete, new section 4.4 "Properties of figures and properties of spaces" and many small corrections and additions.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2014-04-20

GeomSpace 0.13

It's time to present GeomSpace 0.13. Features: new .gms text file format for models. It allows you to see (and carefully modify) model file with average text editor. Pressing on Help button opens User Guide. Ctrl/Cmd key exchanges mouse buttons functionality. It is useful with one button mouse.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2014-03-17

GeomSpace 0.12

It's time for a new release. For now it is primarily a bug-fix release. A good news is that OS X version is now stable. Some interesting models are added.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2013-07-22

Analytic Geometry of Homogeneous Spaces - update

Chapter 5 and 7 are greatly reworked. In English version, part 1 (that is, the theory essence) is complete.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2013-05-26

English version of "Homogeneous", new models

Please find (incomplete) English version of "Analytic Geometry of Homogeneous Spaces" in Theory folder as well as 2 new models: 5Octa.gmsp, Minkowski.gmsp in Models folder.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2013-01-19 Labels: Book Model

Activity at GeomSpace

As several months passed without single message, it may seem the project is dormant. It just isn't the case. I prepared several new GMSP models which will soon be uploaded and I prepare new version of GeomSpace. It will correctly treat limit lineals. The most of the time I was busy preparing "Analytic Theory of Homogeneous Spaces".

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2012-11-14

Homogeneous almost complete

The Russian version of "Analytic Geometry of Homogeneous Spaces" is almost done. It not only explains the theory in rigurous manner, but significally extends it compared to "Uniform Theory of Geometric Spaces". I started to translate it into English.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2012-11-14

New version of "Homogeneous"

Extended version. Now it has 100 pages (22 more then previous one). Also the title was changed from "Geometry of Homogeneous Spaces" to "Analytic geometry of Homogeneous Spaces" due to the fact almost all available books about geometry of homogeneous spaces use differential geometry approach.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2012-08-27

GeomSpace 0.11a

This is a working version for Windows XP.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2012-07-24

New models

Many new 2-dimensional models are now available. Hope, they will help understanding the difference between Elliptic, Euclidean and Hyperbolic planes.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2012-06-23

GeomSpace 0.11

In this release Mac OS X and Windows versions become more attractive. New features include fully localized user interface and session management.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2012-06-20

Geometry of Homogeneous Spaces

New book is available in Theory folder (for now, only in Russian). This book content is similar to "Uniform Theory of Geometric Spaces", but it has more rigorous mathematic style, has many additional material and is planned to be continuous work in progress. When some parts of it will be more stable, they will be translated in English.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2012-06-04

What's new in the next version?

Much work is done to prepare GeomSpace 0.11. The key feature will be internationalization support and settings saving / restoring. Currently, only English, German, Russian and Romanian languages are prepared, but anyone can contribute with translation without necessity to recompile from the sources. Also special attention is payed to address stability issues.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2012-04-15

GeomSpace 0.10

It is time to present GeomSpace 0.10. It is the first version tagged as "Beta". GeomSpace was ported to FLTK user interface to address unsolved past issues. The Windows port was divided into 32 and 64 variants and a new Mac OS X port was added (it is still rather buggy). From now on I hope new releases will appear more frequently.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2012-01-30

GeomSpace next version

Hello all. After several months of mastering new GUI toolkit (FLTK), next GeomSpace version is almost ready. All programing stuff is done. The only remaining issues are to prepare User Manual, Developer Manual and to compile the program for all platforms. GeomSpace 0.10 will have 2 more versions: Windows64 and long awaited Mac OS X.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2012-01-06

GeomSpace 0.9b

As many of you pointed out, model save feature was broken. It is fixed in new release. Also fixed application crash on mouse wheel rotation when space is one-dimensional.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2011-09-16

GeomSpace 0.9a

Corrected version of GeomSpace 0.9. Fixed measure for some spaces and Windows file browser.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2011-07-23

GeomSpace 0.9

It's time to present GeomSpace version 0.9. New measure feature and file browser crash fix. Hopefully, it will be the last Alpha release.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2011-07-21