
GeomSpace / News: Recent posts

Future plans

Next GeomSpace release will feature (hopefully) measure of distances and angles and will be the last Alpha release. In the first Beta, GLUI user interface will be replaced by more mature, still very light and portable, FLTK.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2011-05-30

FreeBSD port usage

In order to compile and / or run GeomSpace on FreeBSD platform you really need to install freeglut. In case glut is already installed (it conflicts with freeglut) you may force installing freeglut, as it essentially extends glut's capacity being backward compatible.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2011-04-29

GeomSpace 0.8

New version is out. Finally, transform feature was added. Much improved model loading time. Enjoy!

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2011-03-13

New models at project website

Please, be informed that new models are available for download in "Models" folder of project website. Some of them are heavy (loading time is about one minute or more), but no one is known to break GeomSpace.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2011-03-08

GeomSpace 0.7

This release brings much anticipated GeomSpace own binary file format. Now you can open, modify, save and redistribute geometric models. Some of them are available in Models folder of project site.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2011-02-12

GeomSpace 0.6

It's time to release GeomSpace 0.6. With this version you can do real job of finding point coordinates and lineal repers. A new quick help info box is now available. Geometry transform feature isn't completed, so it will be postponed to next (hopefully) version. All versions except FreeBSD ones use explicitely freeglut instead of glut.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2011-01-16

Bits from admin

In order to keep you informed on what's going on, please be informed that GeomSpace now works correctly with non-orientable spaces (a little trick with OpenGL). Now I'm busy working on finishing implementation of geometry motion.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2010-12-23

Uniform Theory of Geometric Spaces

New update. Many new color pictures, Hyper-linked text, rewritten introduction and bibliography, several text additions.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2010-11-02

GeomSpace 0.5 for Solaris

Solaris build is back !!! I just figured out how to configure Blastwave repository for Solaris / OpenSolaris / Indiana / OpenIndiana and compiled GeomSpace 0.5 for it. No code change, but User Manual contains the last information about running GeomSpace on this platform

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2010-10-31

GeomSpace 0.5

GeomSpace 0.5 is here. Features: smarter construction and possibility to remove geometry elements. Enjoy!

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2010-10-31

Looking forward for GeomSpace 0.5

Hello, current GeomSpace code is approaching to 0.5 release. Almost all planned features are present, but code needs to be extensively tested. As always, User Manual and Developer Manual will be updated. So, in near future GeomSpace 0.5 will be released.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2010-10-23

Further plans

After playing for a while with version 0.4, I decided to focus on usability rather then on nice look. So in further versions I will implement an easier construct, edit, remove mechanism (planned for 0.5 version), and after 0.5 version, different transformations, save-to-file and load-from-file functionality. In order to switch to beta, it will be implemented different get-info features, different measurements and calculations. Further look improvement will be done in beta stage.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2010-09-13

Uniform Theory of Geometric Spaces updated

Nothing new or deleted. Just page format change (that decrease the number of pages) and several notations changes. English variant is published at and can be cited as arXiv:1008.4074v1.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2010-09-13

GeomSpace 0.4 release

In this release I changed display list based OpenGL graphics to more dynamic friendly vertex array. More important, geometry part of the project, the glue between algebra and graphics gets shape, so GeomSpace file format can be finally defined and io part will be filled. It seems that all blockers are past and further progress should be quicker.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2010-07-08

Progress towards 0.4

It seems the code gets a good shape. After I removed display list based graphics and moved to vertex array much work have been done. Now, geometry part is good enough. Some changes should be done to write UI to access this code. After that 0.4 version will be released.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2010-07-01

On the road to 0.4

Hello, I'm back with new ideas for the next version 0.4 of GeomSpace. If all will go smoothly, I plan to public it until end of June.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2010-05-28

Preparation for the next conferences

Currently I am busy in preparation of new comunications on conferences:
The International Conference "GEOMETRY, TOPOLOGY, ALGEBRA and NUMBER THEORY, APPLICATIONS" dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Boris Delone and Steklov Vladimir, both will take place in Moskow in August 2010

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2010-04-27

Information for theory citing

If you wonders what publications can be cited in case you use "Uniform Theory of Geometric Spaces", here is one: Alexandru Popa "Uniform model of geometric spaces" published in special issue of "Acta Universitatis Apulensis" Journal, Alba Iulia, September 2009, pages 23-28.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2010-04-27

Plans for the next version


In the next version of GeomSpace I plan to define interior format of geometric objects in a manner to be operable with OpenGL and easily processable. It will affect hard the geometric part of the project and will be a glue between algebraic and graphic part.

After that, the GeomSpace file format can be defined for geometric construction exchange.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2010-03-25

GeomSpace theory

Hello, I updated once again my book "Uniform Theory of Geometric Spaces". I added some information in section 3.2 and corrected a bit introduction.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2010-03-18

FreeBSD i386 port

Hello again. As I promised, hire is the FreeBSD i386 port. As FreeBSD amd64, it was compiled on PC-BSD. Please contact me if you find any of them is broken.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2010-03-16

FreeBSD port

Hello, good news for FreeBSD users. I just managed to build GeomSpace for FreeBSD x64 platform. I used PC-BSD and I'm confident the're 100% compatible. There is no FreeBSD i386 port yet. Hope it will follow.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2010-03-13

GeomSpace 0.3

Version 0.3 is out! It's the first alpha version of GeomSpace. Now you can really 'build' an universe. At the moment, you are limited only to points. Further versions will add other features.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2010-03-08

Uniform Theory of Geometric Spaces - update

Hello all. I updated my book. All changes are in section 3.2 and related to Minkowskii space. I added information on curved Minkowskii space.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2010-03-04

On the road to 0.3

GeomSpace slowly gets alpha status and version 0.3 should appear in short time. Good news: after replacing of glut32 with freeglut, windows build reacts on mouse wheel, so special cygwin port isn't more necessary.

Posted by Alexandru Popa 2010-02-11