
GemRB Game Engine / News: Recent posts

gemrb V0.4.0 is out

The GemRB team is proud to announce a new release. Development pace has skyrocketed and a few important milestones have been reached. You can now level up in bg2 (dual classing included), area-of-effect spells are now drawn, ranged attacking works ... Add a bunch of bugfixes and polishing and you get this great release.

Currently only the sources are available.

New features:
- level up support in bg2
- basic party reordering
- bashing of containers and doors
- persistent area effects (cloudkill, stinking cloud, web, etc.)
- item amount window for stack splitting (shift+click or doubleclick)
- depletion of item charges
- opcodes: disable spellcasting, cutscene2 (pocketplane travel), knock,
clear air, polymorph, disable button
- dynamic scrollbar creation (display of more than 10 kits, 24 spells)
- portrait effect icons
- item ability selection
- character customization... read more

Posted by Jaka Kranjc 2009-05-26

gemrb V0.3.2 is out

A new GemRB release is out! Currently only the sources are available.

The release brings a bunch of smaller new features, a big guiscript change and a lot of polish.

GemRB V0.3.2 (2009-02-16):
New features:
- default cancel button, bound to the escape key
- tooltip animations and a shortcut (tab)
- wrapper python classes that simplified the GUIScripts
- trap detection, removal, triggering, xp, feedback, autopause
- modal effects
- proper xp award for dual- and multiclass actors
- double click (used in the map window)
- click-and-hold incrementing/decrementing
- accumulate kill statistics
- characters can move while the map is open
- sound on item equip
- arbitrary feat prerequisites in iwd2
- hard pause for all games (originally a ToB feature); triggered with 'h'
- extended night areas (originally a bg2 feature)... read more

Posted by Jaka Kranjc 2009-02-16

gemrb V0.3.1 is out

A new GemRB release is out! Currently only the sources are available.

GemRB V0.3.1 (2008-09-25):
New features:
- mouse scroll support
- starting tob inventory
- character import in iwd and how
- spritecover for area animations
- proper XP bonus for thieving and learning spells

Improved features:
- gcc 4.3 compatibility
- PST bestiary
- bg2 and tob game modes have been merged
- bg2 and iwd2 character generation was simplified and improved
- stricter dualclassing prerequisites
- the cmake build system is available for other platforms too
- pathfinding
- starting time is now at day 0
- less memory leaks
- bugfixes

Posted by Jaka Kranjc 2008-09-25

gemrb V0.3.0 is out

A new GemRB release is out! Currently only the sources are available. A x86 linux binary is also planned and here is the changelog:

GemRB V0.3.0 (2008-02-17):
New features:
- TLK override handling (custom biographies and map notes)
- weapon immunities
- party AI
- expansion playmode
- more actions, triggers and effects
- loading of projectile explosion animations
- kit information window
- optional CMake build system (windows only)... read more

Posted by Jaka Kranjc 2008-02-17

GemRB source repository migrated to SVN

Since 26th February, our source repository is served by Subversion. Hopefully this won't cause problems for anyone interested in our source.

Posted by Laszlo Toth 2007-02-27

GemRB V0.2.8 for Windows is out

There is a new binary version for Windows for those who couldn't or wouldn't use the CVS and build their own Infinity Engine clone. This version is a snapshot of GemRB somewhere between 0.2.8 and 0.2.9.

Posted by Laszlo Toth 2007-02-18

gemrb V0.2.8 is out

GemRB V0.2.8 (2006-12-24):
New features:
- equipment is rendered both on paperdoll and avatar
- weather (snow/rain) is now rendered

Improved features:
- action menus
- game scripting (actions/triggers)

GemRB V0.2.7 (2006-08-30):
New features:
- large animations
- worldmap travel
- dialogue portraits
- translucent shadows option
- personal space of actors
- combat
- many new effects
- overlay animation... read more

Posted by Laszlo Toth 2006-12-25

GemRB V0.2.6 is out

We released another pre-alpha version.
The most noteworthy improvement is the rendering of wallgroups (covers) and the fixed save game.
You must set SaveAsOriginal to 1 in GemRB.cfg to make it work.

Posted by Laszlo Toth 2005-12-07

GemRB 0.2.5 released

Hi all,
we made another tasty release of GemRB. This time the linux binary hopefully works.

What's new?

New features:
- Save game
- Effects are now loaded
- Equipping effects in items
- Spawn points in areas
- Textscreen (scrolled text between chapters)

Improved features:
- GameScript is now much more reliable: Action override works, triggers fire once and then get cleared
- fully working Store screen
- fixed padding of message window rows (in dialogs)... read more

Posted by Jarda Benkovsky 2005-08-24

GemRB 0.2.4 released

Hi all,
new version of GemRB is out. (Actually, this "news" is over a week old :-)).

We reached a new milestone which brings you numerous internal and visible improvements.
To see the long list of updates, read on...

New features:
- Store dialogs (Temple, Inn, Container, Tavern, Store)
- Fog of war with line of sight
- Doors block path and line of sight
- Window frames at higher resolutions
- Animated buttons (PST portraits, Donation window)
- Store opens when appropriate
- Containers... read more

Posted by Jarda Benkovsky 2005-06-06

GemRB 0.2.3 released

Hi all,

your long waiting is over, a new release of GemRB is here! It's not as Stable-And-Bugfree (tm) as we have hoped, but at least it's done. Please read release notes and a thread about 0.2.3 on our forums before reporting problems.

Highlights of this release:

New features:
- GUI for most of the games, especially interactive Inventory and Spellbook
- Map and WorldMap
- Load screen interstitials with progress bar
- Spell and item cache to speed up object management
- Added gamescript actions/triggers
- Selection of spells during character generation
- First attempt on effects code
- First attempt on Fog-Of-War
- Tooltips
- Overhead text
- Ambient sounds
- Volume control
- Manual page gemrb(1)
- Documentation for GemRB Python API and our custom override files... read more

Posted by Jarda Benkovsky 2005-02-17

GemRB Released

After exactly a month from the latest version, we finally released the Version.

This new release includes a lot of Bug Fixes and many new features.
Now you'll be able to travel through areas, you're no more stuck in the Game's starting area.

We added support for Dialogues (actually implemented only via script) and improved the In-Game Script Engine. Now the starting CutScenes are working almost perfectly (still need to implement some additional features and to fix a problem with the CutSceneID Action).
GemRB v0.2.2.8 features a GAME File Importer which loads the starting game file (this means that, for example, in BG2, Imoen, Minsc, Jaheira, Yoshimo, etc... are now present in the game)... read more

Posted by Daniele Collantoni 2004-01-23

GemRB v0.2.2.6 is Out

Many new Features has been included.
We Removed the old FMOD Audio Driver and Introduced a new OpenAL Audio Driver.

Check the ChangeLog for more informations.


Posted by Daniele Collantoni 2003-12-20

GemRB v0.2.2.0 is out

We Released a full CVS Snapshot for Linux and Windows users, and a Binary Win32 Release.

The new release features:
- Major Bug Fixed: Never Freeing Plugin Instances
- A fully working BG2 Character Generation GUI
- Basic IWD/IWD2/BG1 GUI Implementation
- Now you can Enter the Main Area after the Character Generation
- Colored Characters
- Basic Character Selection
- Basic Door Manipulation (Open/Close state)
- Minor Bug Fixes
- Interactive Console
and Much More.

Posted by Daniele Collantoni 2003-11-30

GemRB v0.2.1.6b for Windows

Here is the last GemRB version for Windows.
This package includes Scripts for:
- Baldur's Gate
- Baldur's Gate 2
- IceWind Dale 2

This package requires Python 2.3 to be installed on yor system.

Enjoy!! :-)

Posted by Daniele Collantoni 2003-11-16

New Linux Source Code Released

The latest GemRB version ( comes with many new features and a new and faster Font Blitter.

We are working to the GUI Games Scripts, in this package we included scripts for:

* Baldur's Gate
* Baldur's Gate 2
* IceWind Dale 2

The scripts are not finished but you can enjoy them and maybe learn the GUI Scripting :-)

Since one of our first purposes is the "Easy Modding", we choosed to add some 2DA Files to make GemRB more customizable. These files are in the "override" directory. There is no need to copy them in the Game's Override directory since GemRB checks for them directly into it's folder.... read more

Posted by Daniele Collantoni 2003-11-14

New Demo Available

This time our Demo will show you many of the GUI Driver features.
In this demo you can surf in many of the Baldur's Gate 2 Menus, you can also start the Character Generation and Roll your Character Abilities :)

Stay Tuned!!!

Posted by Daniele Collantoni 2003-11-06

New Scource Code Available

The latest Source Code is now available for download.
Added Features:
- GUI Driver
- Controls now support Events Handling
- Events Manager
- Many Bug Fixes

Stay Tuned

Posted by Daniele Collantoni 2003-10-17

New CVS Repository Structure

Finally I managed to have only one source code that works on Linux and Windows. I modified the structure of the CVS Repository. If you want to know more about this change, visit our Home Page!

Stay Tuned

Posted by Daniele Collantoni 2003-10-15

New Linux Source Code Release

Some new Features added:
- Many Bug Fixes
- Added Shaded Animation Support
- Added Font Renderer (not used in the Demo)
- Added IDS Importer Module (not used in the Demo)

Posted by Daniele Collantoni 2003-10-11

Linux Source Code Availabe

Yes, we released our first Linux Source Code. This package was created from the latest CVS update.
I'll checkout this module as soon as I can.

Stay Tuned

Posted by Daniele Collantoni 2003-10-05

First Demo Available

Finally we have our first Demo application online.
It works under Windows and is compatible with Baldur's Gate 1 / 2.... don't know if works with others, probably not, you may always try :)

Posted by Daniele Collantoni 2003-10-03

IRC Channel

New GemRB has it's own IRC Channel.

IRC Server:
Channel: #GemRB

Posted by Daniele Collantoni 2003-10-01

Project Homepage is On-line

Finally we have the Project Web Site online. From now on the news will be posted on the Web Site.

I also set up a new Forum. Many of the Release announcements will be posted on the forum, so take a look!! ^_^

Stay Tuned

Posted by Daniele Collantoni 2003-09-25

GemRB Project is starting again

After a long time of total inactivity GemRB Starts again, with a brand new plugin architecture. Additional detail about the new Plugin Architecture and the SDK will come in the next few hours.

Stay Tuned

Posted by Daniele Collantoni 2003-09-17