
#21 partimage/partimaged are old versions


Significantly newer versions exist.


  • Michael Setzer II

    You are correct on that. I had once built newer versions of these, but then they didn't have certain options that the earlier versions had. I didn't have any build specs on how the earlier maintainer had created the build on these programs, so went back to the original ones.

    I have been thinking of doing a file based image process by using tar piped thru compression to ncftp.
    Actually did a quick test just yesterday using the boot partition. This would only work for partitions that could be directly mounted by the CD, which would not include LVM partitions, but would work for Fat32, NTFS, and the ext? partitions. At the moment, I am only looking at doing full partition images, since coming up with a process to select individual files or directories would be much more complicated. At least to start with.

    This might also allow for restoring to smaller partitions, but not sure what information might not be included in a tar backup verses a disk image. Some OS level things might be missing, but one could probable be able to extract individual missing files. Perhaps using zip instead of tar would be better, but don't know if it includes the linux attributes to the same level as tar??

  • Michael Setzer II

    The latest 0.36 alphas have the latest versions of partimage.


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