
#1 Restoring image from DVD


Hi there,

I've tried several free ghosting software and found a
liking to g4u and g4l, and I sattled for g4l because
g4u doesn't support my network card.

Anyway, I now have a image of my laptop sitting on my
FTP server, and it's all fine and dandy - except from
one part: I'd like to have the image with me on-the-go
so I can restore my laptop while I am on the road.

"Easy", you say, "just burn the image to a CD/DVD and
use 'dd' to restore it from there". "Sure", I say,
"except from one tiny problem: the image doesn't fit on
a single DVD".

So here's my problem: how can I write a restore process
that allows me to have the image splitted on several

Best regards
Michael Boman

I find the dialog interface cumbersome so I issue the
relivant commands on the command line directly. It
would be nice if a command line version would be
available, just like g4u has it.


  • Michael Setzer II

    Logged In: YES

    A couple issues. First, restore from a DVD would be easy if
    you could copy a single image file to the DVD. It would only
    require booting the G4l, and then use the local option to
    mount the DVD and then copy the image. Problem is that the
    image file may be larger than will fit on 1 DVD. A better
    solutions would be to have a USB hard drive that could store
    the whole image. Again using the local copy option.

    Another options would be to reduce the size of you
    partitions on the current hard drive, and create the image
    on the extra space. Say if you had an 80gb hard drive, setup
    20gb as a linux ext2 partion. Then use g4l to create an
    image on that partition. This wouldn't help with a hard disk
    crash, but would allow for a restore if the current
    partitions got corrupted.

    Not sure which version of g4l you are using, but the latest
    versions I have on the freshmeat site include the options to
    set most parameters.

    ./g4l ftpserver filename.ext '-u user -p password' dhcp

    That would default the ftpserver, filename, ncftp
    user/password, and use dhcpd to get the ip address. You
    would then only need to press the enter key up to the point
    of selecting backup or restore. If the extention is gz or
    lzo then it will use the correct compression, with bzip, you
    will need to change the compression. I like the lzo since in
    my environment, it is about twice the speed of gzip with
    only a 15% increase in size. bzip was just taking to long,
    so I don't know how much longer it would have taken or how
    much smaller the image might have been.

  • Michael Setzer II

    Logged In: YES

    Many updates in version 0.15 and 0.16 to allow for command
    line options to the script and showing defaults. Problem
    with burning directly to a dvd, and problam of spanning disk
    if image larger than 1 disk. Currently the splitting can be
    done to the hard drive, but then restoring from a DVD would
    be a problem. Might be possible, but at this point, not
    something I am able to do.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    eHbJzN zrbbmjnobqbt, [url=]yvmxikvnmlyy[/url], [link=]gwzwckkpnfag[/link],


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