
g4l v0.22 new iso and devel kit

Uploaded the latest 0.22 version of the iso and the devel kit. Below is some of the updates added. I tried to get feedback on betas, but only had one reply. I hope the vesamenu works with all systems, but I had no problems.

Latest changes that might change operations.
Big changes in 0.22 version. Latest 2.6.20 and kernels plus latest 2.6 git build kernel that seem to support the SATA controllers. Updates on support programs and fix to bzip problem
with splitting. Added resize2fs to cd. Added all of the ntfsutil programs. Added new front end scripts to allow for different filenames and using userid and passwords. Also switched to using
syslinux vesamenu for kernel selection.

All scripts will prompt for ipaddress if left blank, but only the zxg4l and zexg4l will prompt for userid and password. Leaving it blank defaults to anonymous

xg4l and exg4l adds options

./xg4l ipaddress device filename useridpass

./xg4l eth0 front '-u user -p password'

./xg4l eth0 front user:password

./exg4l ipaddress device filename useridpass

./exg4l eth0 front.bic '-u user -p password'

./exg4l eth0 front.bic user:password

zxg4land zexg4l adds options also prompts for userid password

./zxg4l ipaddress device filename useridpass

./zxg4l eth0 front.bic '-u user -p password'

./zxg4l eth0 front.bic user:password

./zexg4l ipaddress device filename useridpass

./zexg4l eth0 front.bic '-u user -p password'

./zexg4l eth0 front.bic user:password

Redid the jetcat-mod program to just do what is needed for g4l.
Updated a lot of the support programs.

Added the creation dummy file in image directory, since one user reported a failure if the directory is empty.
Thank You.

Posted by Michael Setzer II 2007-02-22

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