
G4L did what Clonezilla couldn't do

Bob Pegram
  • Bob Pegram

    Bob Pegram - 2013-04-23

    G4L did what Clonezilla couldn't do:

    I have an old Dell desktop computer with two hard drives - a 123.5 GB boot disk (master) and a 160GB data disk (slave) for extra room. I was running out of room on both. It is dual boot - XP and Linux Mint 9 (Isadora). There are 6 partitions on the 123.5 disk - both XP and Linux Mint boot from it.

    I first formatted a 300GB disk from another machine and copied everything from the 160GB to it. I replaced the 160GB drive with the 300GB disk as a slave. It is NTFS, but Linux sees it so that works fine.

    I then had the 160GB disk left over. I erased it, then tried using clonezilla boot CD to clone the 123.5GB disk to it. It cloned, but then GRUB wouldn't work when I put the disk in the computer. Yes, the jumpers were master setting on both.

    I finally started over after doing some searches and finding G4L, among other programs. G4L looked the best so I created a boot CD and tried it. It worked perfectly. After the clone, I replaced the 123.5GB disk with the destination 160GB disk and it boots right up just like before.

    Now if I could just figure out how to unlock the /home partition so I can expand it to use the extra 36.5GB of space .... That was part of the plan in the first place. G-Parted won't do it regardless of whether I run G-Parted from the same disk or use a G-Parted boot CD. The /home partition stays locked with the extra unused space just sitting there right next to it.

    G4L is great! .... Now if G-Parted or another partition program would let me expand the home partition ....

    Bob Pegram
    Campbell, CA

  • Michael Setzer II

    Thanks for the info. Is that partition of the LVM type? Don't know of an option to increase the actual partition using other tools. The LVM is suppose to let you add other partitions to an existing LVM partition, but I've never gotten around to do it. I generally build disks with regular partitions so I can use gparted to resize if I want. Do have some systems that I had setup before that have LVM partitions, and have been hoping that gparted will come out with a version that would support it.

    Thanks again.


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