
backup of MBR & EBR location

  • Cliper

    Cliper - 2010-10-13

    hello , and thank you for taking the time for reading my post.

    as a novice linux user , i am trying g4l .

    i wanted to know where does the backup files of the mbr are stored , as usualy
    u want to backup this info on a location that will not be overrun by completly
    deleting the drive .

    i have a netbook which i want to test this mbr backup/restore operation , but
    could not find a way to control the locatation of the files .

    can they be stored on a usb flash drive ( automaticly) or are they stored on
    the local sopose to be formated and tempered later - disk ?

    i want to trust that the backup is secure and would not be deleted by my
    actions to the drive , and currently i cant see this happening.

    informstion would be greatly appriciated , and sorry for the spelling

    thank you again for your time

  • Michael Setzer II

    A couple of things to point out.

    If you do a disk image, it includes the mbr, partition table an all partitions
    on the disk.

    So, a disk image can be restored to a disk with nothing being required before,
    only the disk has to be the same size or larger.

    If you do an mbr backup, it places it on the ftp server or local device you
    select, and has whatever name you set for it.

    You can do an mbr backup, and then do back up of partitions, and then do the
    same order restore to a new disk.

    One other then to note. You want to clear the unused space before making an
    image using one of the clean scripts or other process. G4L uses dd which
    copies all sector data regardless of it being currently used or not. Makes a
    hugh difference in size of the image file.

  • Cliper

    Cliper - 2010-10-13

    thank you for you answer, but the information i seek was not there.

    if i choose to backup the mbr and ebr , g4l create some files WITHOUT asking
    me or telling were it is puting them.

    this is a fact.

    try it and see.

    if i plug in my flash drive or not , it simply create them , somewhere,
    without any means for me know where it is.

    i am not backing up a full image , i just need the mbr and partition table .

    p.s. it is still very confusing selecting backing up , the language is very
    badly used , too little words , u need to be psychic to know what the software
    would actually mean. but thats outside the topic.

    thank you

  • Michael Setzer II

    The Process seems clear to me.

    Using the Local menu, since you are doing a local USB backup.


    Use option A to select the partition to create the mbr back on.

    Use option B to select the name for the file to contain info.

    Use option M to do mbr backup

    Select MBRBACK

    Select the Disk you are making the MBRBACK of

    Then the file with the name in option B is create on the partition?

    If you select mbrback2 then it creates a file with the name in option B plus

    Note. you must use the SPACE BAR to select the options, and the device must be

    You must enter the name on option B, so don't skip that option.

    If it still doesn't work, it would probable require doing the commands line by
    line to see where it it failing?


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