Some Updates.
Current Kernels included;
kernel 3.15.0 2014/06/08 (bz3x15.0)
kernel 3.2.60 2014/06/11 (bz3x2.60)
kernel 3.4.93 2014/06/11 (bz3x4.93)
kernel 3.10.43 2014/06/11 (bz3x10.43)
kernel 3.12.22 2014/06/11 (bz3x12.22)
kernel 3.14.7 2014/06/11 (bz3x14.7)
kernel 3.14.7 now default kernel

Is the directory with the files for the g4l0.47, and it includes various versions with 22 being the latest at the moment. The standard files are being build with Fedora 16 system, but have setup a test machine with Fedora 20. Actually had to set it up again, since something at my college has blocked access to the lab with the original Test machine, and being 7 timezones away I could not fix it, and request to the MIS department have now knocked down the server in front of that lab that had been up for 109 days?? The Fedora 20 version have fc20 in the names, but the g4l parts are the same, only the support files and libraries differ.

Also, have been working on the g4l-lite setup that just includes the default kernel and has options for setting up on flash or local disk using options.