
Some Work in Progress for the next version of

  • Michael Setzer II

    Updates that I'm working on that some might find useful.
    The updated front script has an additional addition that allows for the use of the date in the automatic naming of images. I create two variables that have the dates and the extension. dlzo and dgz. Not real complex, but something that might be useful.

    The second modification involves the changing of the E: option on the menu. The previous version of the E: option would only allow for manually entering the file name. The new option uses ncftpls to get the names of files from the currently defined ftp server and directory. I have also changed the V: option to P: to change the path.

    This is the link to the current version I am working on.

    In November I had almost 9,000 download from freshmeat and sourceforge, but got no responses to feedback.

    One of the bigger issues that I am trying to get is to add name support. Right now, one must use IP address, since names do not get resolved with ping, or traceroute or nslookup. Don't know if it is a kernel option, or missing files from the directory. The busybox routines work fine from a full linux system, so it is something else.


    • Michael Setzer II

      Got one replay sofar suggesting these additions would be useful, so created a new ISO image with the updates g4l script (g4l26 linked to g4l).

      A modified iso image with these changes is:

      The modified example of the front program is:


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