
New General Release in the next couple of weeks

Yes I have sent the latest 3.0.2B off to the beta testers, and should hear back with a couple of weeks.

I have added alot of pre-check and verification code, things that before it didn't and wouldn't care what you entered. Yes if you entered 10.0.05 as a ip address it said nothing and only let 10.0.05 connect. Well needless to say, that isn't a valid address, so no-one would ever connect via IP. The same goes for hand entered server shared directories (mount points unix).

If there is no client entered anyone can connect. The first time you run the software now it warns you anyone can connect without a router firewall, and you do this at your own risk. (version 4+ will bypass all firewalls altogether hence the warning now). Also the first time you run it, it shows the PD license, with a OK to continue, and brings up the settings box, to let you choose the shares and set clients.

*NEW * Status tab - In real time it tells you how much memory your using, RX/TX speeds, who's connect via what protocol (tcp/ip or udp), and what NFS level (2 or 3), and what files they have open and is it a R or W operation. You an start or stop the server manually here.

NEW Advanced Tab - You can now modify the amount of buffer memory per connection, limit the max bandwidth for all clients (aka server limit). Changing anything here requires a program restart. Will warn if there are active connections.

Client Tab - Added max bandwidth, 0 = no limit (up to servers limit), added user name and password, lease time, and max data transfer rx/tx (quotas) (not used till V4+)

Shares Tab - Working on drag and drop to add shares. (still looks the same as before, but there is a ton of code behind the tab, 3.0.3 it will be done) Pop up warning: if you start the server and the share (mount point) isn't valid anymore (you deleted it?).

NEW About Tab - About what you expect, shows the PD license. home page clickable link.

NEW The Icons bands flash RED on a failure, if you missed the popup, you can then go into status tab and read the log to find out what error occurred. (only level 5 will do this, and the server has crashed, and auto restarted.). The Icon Bands turn yellow to white when the max bandwidth (system) is getting close (80% yellow 95% white). This only happens when you have limited your bandwidth.
Blue banded icon is normal.

Reworked the webpage for this site.

PDF guide of what I have plugged into the wiki will be available for download as the docs. Where I go into retarded depth as to how it works and how NOT to setup your server. And particularly why not to have NFS 2 on a arduino to play mp3s.

There are quite a few things I am putting in place that may not have much to do with this release, but they are being done for future releases (version 4+ provisioning being the major things).

Till next time,
Larry Smith
Jacksonville, Moo USA

Posted by Larry E. Smith 2012-09-09

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