
SEARCH Menu extension


    ROCHE - 2015-08-23

    This software is great, very easy to use that is the best but the search menu is very poor, only highlight the searched item.

    It will be much more efficient if we could have a summary of the search result and the possibility to pick inside the list


    ROCHE - 2015-08-28

    The Find and Replace works only on developed branches, for a non developed a branch there is no result

    This is a problem for big tree.

    A good thing is to made search on all the sub node even they are developed or not.

  • Christian Foltin


    this is exactly an option in the view menu of the search&replace list, if you mean folded nodes by "developed". If not, please explain "developed".

    HTH, Chris


    ROCHE - 2015-08-30

    oops sorry i have never find this function before, may be i have to read FreeMind for the dummies ;))

    A little question, why the path; at the bottom of the windows; of the finding item, is written from the leaf to the root, and not the opposite ?

    An over one, when we select on of the answer and have clicked on, the search windows were closed, so we have to make a new search instead of the ability to select an other result.

    Thanks for your answers and your patience.

  • Christian Foltin

    according to the direction: I thought, the parent is more interesting than the grandparent, isn't it?
    Selection: just use Ctrl+S for select, then the search remains open and the node is selected "below".

    HTH, Chris


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