
Feature Request -Addition of callto: protocol

  • Antonimo

    Antonimo - 2005-03-03

    Amongst other things, I use FM as a contact manager. I often click directly on links (created with Ctrl + K) that point to "" which launch my e-mail client.

    I have recently begun inputting "callto:" links for VOIP, but FM does not appear to support them - yet.

    Clicking on a "callto:" link produces the message:

    This URL is malfomed! unknown protocol: callto

    Is there a simple (!) way that I can add this protocol, or am I suggesting a feature request for the next release?

    • Terry Doner

      Terry Doner - 2005-03-03

      That would be fantastic. I just tried it from a web page - it launched NetMeeting. Anybody know how to map that protocol to 'Cisco IP Communicator'?


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