
More Formatting Controls

  • Antonimo

    Antonimo - 2005-01-18

    Feature Request...

    This feature request comes in between "normal" user-edited formatting and the "Automatic Layout" feature...

    The ability to specify the formatting (text size, colour, node background colour etc.) according to the levels of the nodes.

    Root node: text size - 18, colour - blue
    First level nodes: text size - 16, colour - green
    Second level nodes (children of the first level): text size - 14, colour - red
    Third level: text size - 14, colour - red, node background light blue

    • bugmenot

      bugmenot - 2005-01-18

      I agree, we need a easier and more automatic way to format text. The best thing about freemind is that it allows the user to focus on creating the map with its convenient brainstorm mode. By adding an autoformatting feature, the user can put more focus on creating the map and less time worrying about the format.

      A floating & docking pane (similar to the panes in IntelliJ Idea) would be the best way to implement this.

    • Antonimo

      Antonimo - 2005-01-27

      It would be handy, when adding a sibling node by hitting 'Enter', if the node inherited it's sibling's formatting, rather than the having the formatting of the last node used, as the last enetered node may be many levels away and of a completely different formatting.

      I use Alt+C and Alt+V too often to format sibling nodes ;-)


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