
#825 Notes from 0.8.1 disappears in 0.9 RC3

Mario Valle

Opening under linux using 090RC3 a .mm created on windows under 081 that contains notes.
The notes disappear and the console show the attached messages.


  • Mario Valle

    Mario Valle - 2009-03-23

    Errors on console loading a 081 mm file

  • Mario Valle

    Mario Valle - 2009-03-23

    Is RC3 not RC!

  • Mario Valle

    Mario Valle - 2009-03-23
    • summary: Notes from 0.8.1 disappears in 0.9 RC1 --> Notes from 0.8.1 disappears in 0.9 RC3
  • Eric L.

    Eric L. - 2009-03-23

    Chris, sounds like a data loss bug that needs fixing before final 0.9.0 release.


  • Eric L.

    Eric L. - 2009-03-23
    • labels: 789259 --> Export / Import / XSLT
    • priority: 5 --> 9
    • assigned_to: ewl --> christianfoltin
  • Mario Valle

    Mario Valle - 2009-03-23

    The 081 file giving errors

  • Daniel Polansky

    Daniel Polansky - 2009-05-12

    I can reproduce the error on Windows Vista, Java 1.6.0. I have downloaded the attached map and opened it with FreeMind 0.9.0 RC3. The map loads, but all the notes are gone.

    What causes the lose of all the notes (not nodes) is the presence of the string "" in the notes. When I replace "" with "
" in the notes and load the map again, the notes load properly. This is odd.

    Judging from


    the unicode character with the hex of "A" stands for LF - line feed, while the one with the hex of "B" stands for VT - Vertical Tab. How the user managed to enter a "vertical tab" character into the note is mysterious, but that is unfortunately not at stake. The problem seems to be that Apache Xalan has issues with the character, for whatever reason, judging from the following part of the log that the user attached:

    [java] Checking Java Version...
    [java] STDERR: ERROR: 'Character reference "&#xb" is an invalid XML character.'
    [java] STDERR: ERROR: ' Character reference "&#xb" is an invalid XML character.'Mar 23, 2009 9:52:06 AM freemind.main.Resources logException
    [java] SEVERE: An exception occured:
    [java] javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: Character reference "&#xb" is an invalid XML character.
    [java] at
    [java] at
    [java] at freemind.main.Tools$
    [java] at
    [java] Caused by: javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: Character reference "&#xb" is an invalid XML character.
    [java] at
    [java] at
    [java] ... 3 more

  • Daniel Polansky

    Daniel Polansky - 2009-05-12

    I now realize that this problem is probably specific to the use case of the conversion of a mind map created in FreeMind 0.8.0 or FreeMind 0.8.1 to the format of FreeMind 0.9.0. It is only then that an XSLT transformation is performed, using Apache Xalan; if the map were saved by FreeMind 0.9.0, even with "" in the text, the problem would probably not be there (I have not tested, admittedly), as there would be no XSLT conversion.

    It could be a bug of Xalan; or could it be that certain ASCII control characters are outside of proper XML? Hmm.

  • Christian Foltin

    • status: open --> closed
  • Christian Foltin

    Tests have shown that your bug is solved with the version 0.9.0
    of the FreeMind software.
    If you do not agree and can still reproduce the bug with this
    version of the software, please reopen this bug or create a new one.

    Thanks, Your FreeMind team


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