
#1196 Loading Freemind drops mouse cursor rate


Whenever I have Freemind loaded, my mouse imput is extremely jumpy. This happens system wide and is is resolved as soon as I close Freemind.

It appears as if the system is reading the mouse at about 20-30% of it's regular smoothness...

I just checked CPU (average of 8 cores) and it shows about 5% usage with Freemind open, compared to 1% CPU when closed...

I've tried corded and wireless mice... no change.

I've updated everything to the latest version and see no difference.

Freemind 1.0.1
Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64bit
Java Version 7 Update 55
CPU is i7-2630QM @2.00GHz
RAM is 8.00GB (3.6GB free currently)

1 Attachments


  • ghuth

    ghuth - 2014-04-25

    As you can see I've also uploaded a graphic to show the roughness... You can see photoshop doing it's best to smooth out the jagginess, but failing)

    (PS - yikes typo -> iNput)

  • ghuth

    ghuth - 2014-04-25

    I just installed another Java app to see if that caused the same issue. It does NOT. Mouse was as smooth as usual. (jEdit 5.1.0)

  • Christian Foltin


    even, when no map is open? Try to close all maps. Is it the same? (I use FM every day open with the same versions: no problem at all). Anything interesting in the log files?

    HTH, Chris

  • ghuth

    ghuth - 2014-04-25

    Interesting thought... I'd previously been testing with small maps only, but I have never tested with all maps closed.

    So tested this and with Freemind open, no maps open = SAME level of slow down seen.

    New image attached shows this new test.

    The symptoms are only moderately obvious ... probably within the range that some people might not even notice. Also, I've got a habit of doing rapid mouse circles while I'm thinking or to find the cursor (doing this shows up the issue more than normal mouse movement). I just used photoshop to see if I could get some sort of evidence.

    Interestingly, MS paint doesn't provide me with as extreme an example as photoshop does...

    With Photoshop, I'm using a softer thicker line which is probably more cpu intensive. Still the system is only using about 25% cpu during rapid scribbling. And no individual cpu is above 60%. Plenty of grunt left. However after I stop scribbling, the line keeps going for a few circles... catching up.

    As soon as I close freemind it is instantly smoother and it stops exactly when I stop, no delay.

  • ghuth

    ghuth - 2014-04-25

    PS nothing looked bad to me in the log files...

  • ghuth

    ghuth - 2014-05-23

    To resolve an issue with a Logitech Mouse smooth scrolling issue in Google Chrome, I downgraded to version 6.32 of the lotus Setpoint app - the last version before the introduction of this feature in 6.5x.

    I no longer have any issue with a jittery mouse when Freemind is loaded.

    Was this without doubt the cause? I haven't been using Freemind consistently enough to see an exact correlation, but I suspect it is the case.

    In any case, at this stage I'd consider this issue resolved and recommend anyone else with the same troubles and a logitech mouse try downloading an older setpoint version from here

  • Christian Foltin


    thanks for the update. Br, Chris

  • Christian Foltin

    • status: open --> closed

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