
Background Color Error

  • Joe

    Joe - 2009-03-14


    I've noticed that when trying to open a .flame file, if the background is colored it usually crashes unless the RGB values are integers. Usually Apophysis represents these numbers as decimals, so unless your background RGB code involves integers, flam4 will throw an error saying something about an "input string is not in the correct format."

    Any chance you could allow for RGB values between 0 and 1?


    • Keldor

      Keldor - 2009-03-18

      Yeah, I should probably change it to that.  I'll get to that for a later release.

      In the meanwhile, it wants values from 0 to 255

      • Joe

        Joe - 2009-03-18

        Ohh okay thanks. I'll manually adjust the flames in the meantime to whatever the decimals work out to.


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