
One small problem with chapters...probably simple.

  • Cher Staite

    Cher Staite - 2014-11-17

    Great software but I seem to have two small irritating problems not covered in any online tutorials. It's probably just a settings issue. I'm burning 3 episodes of a vintage TV show on each DVD. So my 3 episodes are "chapters".

    PROBLEM 1. My VMGM Menu 1 does not show when the DVD starts....playing starts at the chapter menu. One can still get to the main menu by clicking on the "Back to Main Menu" button on the Chapters menu

    PROBLEM 2 on the Chapter Menu (titleset 1 menu 1) There are 4 buttons: 1 to play each episode/chapter and one to go back to the main menu (it works)

    BUT when I click on the "play" buttons for each chapter, it jumps to 1/4 through on the first episode, halfway through on the second and 3/4 of the way through #3 ...not at the beginning.

    (VMGM Menu 1) Text: series title, titles of 3 episodes on DVD and 2 buttons

    Button 1 Text: "play all 3 episodes"
    Properties: Jump to: titleset 1 menu 1 root menu) chapter 1 (checked) Play all titles all titlesets

    Button 2 Text: "episodes"
    Properties: Jump to: titleset 1 menu 1 (root menu) chapter 1 (unchecked)Play all titles single titleset

    CHAPTER MENU has 3 play buttons: (one for each episode) (with text for each)
    Properties for each:
    1. Jump to: titleset 1 title 1 chapter 1 (checked Play all titles single titleset
    2. Jump to: titleset 1 title 2 chapter 2 (checked Play all titles single titleset
    3. Jump to: titleset 1 title 3 chapter 3 (checked Play all titles single titleset

    Obviously one or two of my settings is wrong.
    Can you advise me?


  • JMJ

    JMJ - 2014-11-17

    You're confusing chapters and titles. Each of your episodes is a "Title" (Video). The Title is divided into Chapters. So an action like

    2. Jump to: titleset 1 title 2 chapter 2 (checked Play all titles single titleset

    would mean you jump to title 2 (episode 2) and chapter 2 in that title. If you further check "Play all" it will continue to play the remaining titles (episode 3) in the titleset when finishing title 2.

    Take a look at the video attached in this post:

    Are you using any kind of pre-command to your VMGM menu?

    Perhaps attach the project file (.dvds) to a post.


  • Cher Staite

    Cher Staite - 2014-11-17

    I watched the video and it is useful but it applies to only one video.
    I have 17 episodes from ancient archives of an old 1950's TV show.
    I regularly make DVD's containing 3 episodes (videos)
    Not always the same episodes so I can't combine them each time into one video.

    I'll try struggling through it again and see if I stumble on an answer.
    Attached my file to the wrong thread. Sorry. Will send it again with this thread.

  • JMJ

    JMJ - 2014-11-17

    My thought with the video was that it might be helpful in understanding the differences between Titles and chapters. Your episodes are not chapters; they are titles. So my 3 episodes are "chapters"

    Your using a first play command:

    jump titleset 1 menu;

    which makes the DVD skip your VMGM menu and jump to the titleset 1 root menu. You should leave that blank.

    1. Jump to: titleset 1 title 1 chapter 1 (checked Play all titles single titleset
    2. Jump to: titleset 1 title 2 chapter 2 (checked Play all titles single titleset
    3. Jump to: titleset 1 title 3 chapter 3 (checked Play all titles single titleset

    You should let each button start with chapter 1, ie the start of the video. And you should uncheck Play all as this will return to the menu when a episode has finished playing instead of playing the next episode.


    PS And finishing reading your .dvds you're using the post command jump next title;. Not sure if this actually is your intention.


    Last edit: JMJ 2014-11-17
  • Cher Staite

    Cher Staite - 2014-11-18

    I decided to dispense with the second menu and use the VMGM only and incorporate all the episodes links there. It's not as pretty but it's working fine that way.

    thanks for your help.


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