
"call last menu;" in cell commands

  • ecodrv

    ecodrv - 2015-06-27

    Maybe we cannot use "call last menu;" in cell commands from V2.8.
    Byte size of commands will over 8.

  • JMJ

    JMJ - 2015-06-27

    Byte size of commands will over 8

    How did you arrive at that? V 2.9.2 (installer) produces 8 byte here both with and without conditions.

  • ecodrv

    ecodrv - 2015-06-27

    Thank you for your reply.

    Do players return to the last menu always ?

    I am sorry I cannot understand the meaning of "here both with and without conditions" because my English is not very good.


  • JMJ

    JMJ - 2015-06-28

    "here both with and without conditions"

    I use PgcEdit to see the number of bytes in the VM command.

    With condition: An "if" statment is used to make a conditional call.
    Without condition: No "if" statment is used and a unconditional call is made.


  • ecodrv

    ecodrv - 2015-06-28

    I knew the meaning of "condition".
    Thank you.

  • JMJ

    JMJ - 2015-06-28

    Yes. English isn't my native toungue either. By "here" i merely meant "at my computor".



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