
DVD Menu doesnt start automaticly on DVD player

  • sterredag

    sterredag - 2015-08-28

    When I use the button Top Menu, everything works perfect, but somehowe the top menu doesnt automaticly show. Is there something I can check for this?

  • ecodrv

    ecodrv - 2015-08-29

    I think your information is short.
    What automaticly show ?

  • sterredag

    sterredag - 2015-08-29

    If you put a DVD in a DVD player, normally the menu shows up. (the menu you make with this program) But when I put my DVD in my DVD player, the menu doesnt start. The DVD Loads, then it nothing. When I press the "top menu" button on my remote control, Everything works fine.

  • JMJ

    JMJ - 2015-08-30

    Some of the buttons on your remote controller is used to invoke certain menus depending on their Entry type. (see attached). Your "Top Menu" button most likely invoke a VMGM menu with a "Title" entry. On other remotes this button may be called something different like Title/Menu/DVD menu ...

    You'll have other buttons on the remote that may be called something like Root/Chapters/Subtitles/Audio used to invoke VTSM menues depending on their entry type.

    This doesn't explain why your menu doesn't appear initially when the DVD is inserted into a player. To tell why you should attach your project file (.dvds) to a post.


  • sterredag

    sterredag - 2015-08-30

    oke here is the .dvds file

  • JMJ

    JMJ - 2015-08-30

    I've read the project file you've attached. However, I see nothing in it that prevents a DVD to start with it's menu. Have you tried the DVD with adifferent player or a software player?

    I attach a small screen recording of how it looks from my point-of-view.


  • sterredag

    sterredag - 2015-08-30

    Thank you for taking the effort to look into this. Because i dont have another DVD player.. I took another dvd I made from the same sample and this one works fine maybe its just a burning error then I guess. I thought if it is an error of mine, I want to correct it before making more. But now I think I just can continue on with it.

  • JMJ

    JMJ - 2015-08-30

    I always test with a software player before burning. My "reference" software player is Cyberlink PowerDVD vers 7.0.

  • sterredag

    sterredag - 2015-08-30

    how do I test before burn? because in my DVDStyler I klick Burn to start the conversion.

  • JMJ

    JMJ - 2015-08-30

    After you click the Burn button you should get the attached window. Select "Just generate" or "Create ISO image"


    Last edit: JMJ 2015-08-30
  • sterredag

    sterredag - 2015-08-30

    Ah nice thx ;)


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