
Turning of the EOL symbols

  • RunLevelZero

    RunLevelZero - 2004-12-07

    Is there a way to show whitespace without the line ending characters?

    • Daniel Pozmanter

      :) Not yet.

      Which sounds better:  Preference option, or a plugin that overrides show whitespace?

    • Daniel Pozmanter

      I'm thinking... preference.

      Added in 3.7.5.


    • RunLevelZero

      RunLevelZero - 2004-12-08

      I think making it a preference sounds ideal.  While your at it how about making it so we can set how many spaces the cursor deletes on blank spaces.  Like when using spaces, if spaces == 4 then backspace would backspace 4 and not 1.  I should also throw in that DrPython is awesome and you guys rock :).

      Thanks for a rockin IDE

    • Daniel Pozmanter

      Do you mean besides Back Tab?
      In Customize Shortcuts, Text Control,
      Set BackTab (the first entry).
      It is Control plus Tab by default.
      It will erase the number of spaces you are currently
      using for indentation.

      Also, Thanks :)

    • RunLevelZero

      RunLevelZero - 2004-12-08

      Yep that was it.. thanks for pointing it out.... sorry to be buggin :)

    • RunLevelZero

      RunLevelZero - 2004-12-08

      You rock... Thanks man for getting my request out there so fast.  I am using the latest 3.7.5 and I can't thank you enough.

    • Daniel Pozmanter

      Cool beans, Thanks


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