
Some mac bugs

  • Dan Uznanski

    Dan Uznanski - 2004-08-18

    1. in Panther at least (they changed the tabs format) the tabs at the top of the prefs window are far too wide, such that I can't hold it all in a 1280-pixel wide screen.

    2. I get nasty errors when opening up the bit where I can change fonts - something about the default font not existing, and a "something nasty happened while...".  The font window itself is woefully underlabeled (especially the color sliders), the demo display does not respond to color changes (in fact, it always shows in white on black), and I can't seem to get the font changes to show up on the working window.  It may be a good idea to use the default font and color widgets provided by OS X, that way you get something that looks like an OS X program.  (while I'm at it your file menu could use some reworking on OS X too - quit, prefs, and about, among other things, should be in the App Name menu, not the File menu.  Yes, I know, it's in Python, and it's slaved to wxpython, but.)

    3.  it takes about 3 seconds longer to write 40 characters than it does for me to type them.

    Dan Uznanski

    • Daniel Pozmanter

      1.  The tabs in preferences are an artifact from the old dialog.  I'll put rewriting the dialog to remove the notebook into the to do list for 3.4.0

      2.  Are you unable to select fonts?  What is the default font for the mac?  In terms of the color window, what style are you editing?  Have you tried changing the background for the 'normal' style?  Do you see a traceback when you do?  What is this App Name menu you speak of?  I am planning on changing info to help (which sould help a bit).
      You could write  aplugin to rework the menu (or create an app menu for the mac).

      3.  What the hey?  In the document or the prompt?
      What kind of system are you running?  What specs?
      What preferences do you have turned on?

      Try an older version (like 2.4.6, or 3.0.0).  Still a problem?  The only thing I can think of is the indentation stuff I recently added.  I could make this an option if it is the culprit.


    • Dan Uznanski

      Dan Uznanski - 2004-09-04

      here's the error messages I get when opening the Text Styles menu for the first time (or after hitting "reset all"):


      Current Font (lucida) is not in the fontlist. 
      Setting to the default.

      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/Users/vorn/drpython-3.4.4/", line 675, in OnSelectStyle
      ValueError: list.index(x): x not in list


      Something awful happened trying to
      set the font to the default.

      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/Users/vorn/drpython-3.4.4/", line 692, in OnSelectStyle
        File "//Library/Python/2.3/wx/", line 1263, in SetStringSelection
          return _controls_.ListBox_SetStringSelection(*args, **kwargs)
      wx._core.PyAssertionError: C++ assertion "wxAssertFailure" failed in /tmp/BUILD/wxPythonSrc- invalid string in SetStringSelection


      The correct font should probably be "lucida grande", which may fix things.


      In 3.4.4, the panel selector at the top of the preferences page shrinks vertically so you can't see the text, if you widen the prefs box too far.


      The 'slow typing' text problem is still there in 3.4.4 - When I type random home row stuff, it ends up taking a long time to type stuff.

      Dan Uznanski

    • Dan Uznanski

      Dan Uznanski - 2004-09-04

      ...actually it occurs to me that the slowtext thing might be a problem with wxPython for Mac... it appears to be rendering fonts itself, instead of depending on Mac's own renderer, and at that it's not doing too good a job either - for one thing it doesn't antialias.

      A style note:  on the preferences dialog box, the buttons at the bottom actually touch the bottom of the dialog.  This looks Awful.

      Dan Uznanski

    • Daniel Pozmanter

      I'll check out the font thing.  Perhaps I should set it to courier, which is availible on all systems.  lucida grande is not.

      The panel selector is its own little bucket of joy.  It stays too small on windows.  I'll have to play around a bit to see if I can change the width.  It should be much wider (although there do not seem to be any functions in the control for doing this).

      So you tried the wxPython demo, and the text is slow too?  That is a bother.


    • Daniel Pozmanter

      Right.  I got the font thing fixed.
      I am leaving the listbook.

      As for your humble suggestion about showing a bit more flesh beneath the buttons....
      DrPython just is NOT that kind of a program!




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