
new upload area and misc

  • Franz Steinhaeusler

    Hi Dan,

    what do you think about adding a new upload/download
    seciont for miscellaneous things:

    Plugin/Scripts/Screenshots, which are to "early"
    to offer as "official" downloads.
    (as a kind of playing area)
    (I for example have some scripts or plugins, for those
    I think or not sure, they are worth for putting them
    to the download section; for scripts, there is no area
    to upload them anyway)
    If some people like them, they can be transferred
    to the plugin or (a possible new) script download area.

    What about a simpler way of updating/downloading plugins as plugins.dat file.
    It is a little long winded to every time update
    the plugins.dat file, every time a new plugin is added
    or updated.

    bug report in Comment:
    If I put the cursor on the first line of a python file,
    and want to comment this line, it comes to:

    def xy

    #def xy

    Two times, the '#' is added.


    • Daniel Pozmanter

      Bug -Report (Yeah, I need to work on the new commenting code.   I am just not sure yet whether I will hold up and iron out a 3.7.0 release, or just increment for a while on 3.6.x.  Right now I am working on reading .lnk files directly from python without accessing the win32 api).

      For the plugin.list.dat file:  I am open to suggestions.
      Really it is the version number that is the pain, since you should update when adding a new plugin.

      One possible option would be to download the sourceforge page that lists all the plugins, and parse that for the version numbers (and just not list version numbers on the website).  Then you would only need to update the .dat file when you add a new plugin.

      I never did make that script download area.
      Well, I could add a misc/experimental section.  Perhaps that could be mirrored somewhere else?  In particular, sf seems a bit much for just uploading screenshots.  Also, it would be cool if people did not have to be a dev, just have an account somewhere to upload scripts.  Any ideas?

    • Franz Steinhaeusler

      I have procured a webspace on:
      I don't know much about building homepages.
      Maybe if someone is interested, that person could mail me and then I send a ftpuser name and password
      to update things self.

    • Daniel Pozmanter

      Cool beans.  This should be perfect for now, unless more people want to upload stuff.

      (Of course, I could just add a links section, and link to people's home pages).

      I will link to your site when I update the drpy site.

    • Franz Steinhaeusler

      Thank you for providing a link.
      I can post scripts, etc from other people
      (if they send me an email)
      and remark the contribution with name and date.

      I want to have the site more experimental and informal.

    • Daniel Pozmanter

      bug report in Comment:
      If I put the cursor on the first line of a python file,
      and want to comment this line, it comes to:

      def xy

      #def xy

      Franz, I am having difficulty reproducing this.

    • Franz Steinhaeusler

      if self.prefs.doccommentmode == 0:           
                  ->self.txtDocument.SetSelection(start, end)
      ->text = self.prefs.doccommentstring + self.txtDocument.GetSelectedText()
      ->print 1, text
      ->print 2, eol + self.prefs.doccommentstring
      ->text = text.replace(eol, eol + self.prefs.doccommentstring)
      ->print 3, text

      #def Plugin(DrFrame):
      cursor was before the 'd' of def, before commenting.

      the output is:
      1 #

      3 #



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