
Docutils: Documentation Utilities / News: Recent posts

Release 0.15.2

This release is for fixing packaging and versioning bugs/problems.

Posted by engelbert gruber 2019-07-31

Release 0.15

Note: Docutils 0.15.x is compatible with Python versions 2.6, 2.7 and 3.3 to 3.5
(cf. Python 3 compatibility_).

Some of the changes and fixes, full list in HISTORY.txt

  • reStructuredText:

  • Allow embedded colons in field list field names (before, tokens like
    :this:example: were considered ordinary text).

  • Fixed a bug with the "trim" options of the "unicode" directive.

  • languages: Added Korean (ko) mappings and latin.... read more

Posted by engelbert gruber 2019-07-20

Released 0.14


  • docutils/docs/ref/docutils.dtd:

  • Enable validation of Docutils XML documents against the DTD:

  • docutils/parsers/rst/:

  • Added functionality: escaped whitespace in URI contexts.

  • Consistent handling of all whitespace characters in inline markup
    recognition. (May break documents that relied on some whitespace
    characters (NBSP, ...) not to be recognized as whitespace.)

  • docutils/utils/ read more

Posted by engelbert gruber 2017-08-03 Labels: release

docutils release 0.12

Only small changes and fixes, see HISTORY.txt for details.

Mainly to releasy current state, before changing some (erroneous) behaviour (css path, ...)

Posted by engelbert gruber 2014-07-06

docutils release 0.11

  • General

  • Apply [ 2714873 ] Fix for the overwritting of document attributes.

  • Support embedded aliases within hyperlink references.
  • Fix [ 228 ] try local import of docutils components (reader, writer, parser,
    language module) before global search.

  • docutils/parsers/rst/directives/

  • Fix [ 210 ] Python 3.3 checks CVS syntax only if "strict" is True.

  • docutils/writers/html4css1/

  • Fix [ 3600051 ] for tables in a list, table cells are not compacted.
  • New setting stylesheet_dirs (see above).... read more
Posted by engelbert gruber 2013-07-22

docutils release 0.10

Some of the changes

- Dropped support for Python 2.3. added 3.3
- enhancements in math.
- Fix [3559988] and [3560841] __import__ local writer, reader,
languages and parsers for Python 2.7 up.
- Change default of "syntax highlight" option to "long",
basic syntax highlight styles for LaTeX and HTML.
- enhanced error handling
- SmartQuotes transform for typographic quotes and dashes.
- Fix section numbering by LaTeX.
- Fix [ 3556388 ] Mathjax does not work with rst2s5.... read more

Posted by engelbert gruber 2012-12-16

release 0.9.1

this is a bugfix release :
[ 3527842 ]. Under Python 3, converted tests and tools were installed

all the best

Posted by engelbert gruber 2012-06-17

repository moved

after many years the subversion repository moved from back to

actually berlios shutdown might not happen, hopefully.

all the best to and many thanks for support.

Posted by engelbert gruber 2011-12-02

Docutils 0.8.1 release

This is a bug fix release that fixes incompatibilty with sphinx.

Posted by engelbert gruber 2011-08-30

Docutils 0.5 released

Docutils 0.5 has been released.

You can download it from:

For a list of major changes, please see:

Posted by engelbert gruber 2008-06-26

Docutils 0.4 released

Docutils 0.4 has been released.

You can download it from:

For a list of major changes, please see:

Posted by Felix Wiemann 2006-01-13

Docutils 0.3.9 released


Major changes since version 0.3.7:

* Added "file_insertion_enabled" and "raw_enabled" settings. See

* Added auto-enumerated lists. See
<>.... read more

Posted by Felix Wiemann 2005-05-26

Docutils 0.3.7 released


Changes since version 0.3.5:

* A special "line block" syntax useful for addresses, verse, and other
cases of significant line breaks has been added; see
<> and
<>.... read more

Posted by Felix Wiemann 2004-12-24

Docutils 0.3.5 released


Major changes since version 0.3.3:

* improved, extended and reorganized documentation;
* new cvs-table directive
* many minor improvements, additions and bug fixes

Posted by Felix Wiemann 2004-07-29