
Need an option to really force update even if no update is required

Tong Sun
  • Tong Sun

    Tong Sun - 2014-04-02


    The -force should really force update even if no update is required, or we need another option to do so.

    Currently, when -force is used, I get:

    WARNING: updating nochg: No update required; unnecessary attempts to change to the current address are considered abusive

    As such I need to constantly deal with my account expiration issue, because:

    "... Free Dynamic DNS
    hosts must be updated by logging into your account on our website and clicking
    update, this must be done every 30 days. If you are using the Dynamic Update
    Client and your IP address has not changed within the past 30 days, you must
    manually update it to prevent them from being removed from our system.

    For more information regarding this notice please visit:"

    This is the account expiration letter that I receive every month, because I normally leave my system on for months. I.e., my IP won't change for at least 3~6 months.

    So I really need the -force option to actually force update even if no update is required, and I'll force update every 15 days in cron, which would not be considered abusive at all.

    I really need it, and I can submit patch If you don't have time. If you don't agree me, we can find ways that is more subtle, kind of a hidden-feature only for power users.

    Please consider.

  • Tong Sun

    Tong Sun - 2014-04-02

    Or, better, add an option say '-flip' that trick the dns server with a fake IP, then restore back the real one later.


  • wimpunk

    wimpunk - 2014-04-02

    I think you interprete the warning on the wrong way. The 'nochg' is the response ddclient gets from your provider. So it actually does a real force.

  • wimpunk

    wimpunk - 2014-05-12

    There is an 'max-interval' option for that.

  • yzed1

    yzed1 - 2014-06-06

    max-interval just forces an updated of the SAME IP ADDRESS. If your IP is it just updates it to

    ddclient[6324]: WARNING: forcing update of from to; 20 days since last update on Wed May 14 15:21:11 2014.
    ddclient[6324]: WARNING: updating nochg: No update required; unnecessary attempts to change to the current address are considered abusive

    To get no-ip to recognize an update has occured, the update must CHANGE THE IP ADDRESS to something else temporarily (, and then change it back to the valid one.

  • wimpunk

    wimpunk - 2014-06-07

    So actually, sending the same ip again isn't considered as an update? I'll check the API and try to get this solved.

  • wimpunk

    wimpunk - 2014-06-30

    According to the API, the way ddclient works, should work. I tried to contact developers of no-ip implementation on server side but with no result.

  • wimpunk

    wimpunk - 2014-07-02

    I got a response of someone at no-ip. As yzed1 linked earlies, you don't have to change your ip if you have an enhanced service at no-ip. So we can't at a default flip option because enhanced users won't be happy.

    I believe a -flip option would be a good idea but don't add it by default to the no-ip service. The flip can be done on max-interval.

    If someone is willing to write this kind of feature, I will apply the patch to ddclient. Currently I don't have the time to write it myself.



    Discussion: Need an option to really force update even if no update is required

  • BrianRoper

    BrianRoper - 2016-01-06

    Using ddclient 3.7.3
    Initial testing indicates the following commands every few weeks (or cron job) might keep the no-ip free ddns server happy.

    $ sudo rm -f /var/cache/ddclient/ddclient.cache && ddclient --force

    Will need to keep an eye on this for a coupla months.
    My $0.02 only, GST inlcuded.
    Grateful for any other tips or clues.


    Last edit: BrianRoper 2016-01-06
  • wimpunk

    wimpunk - 2016-01-06

    This looks a bit like this pull request:
    Can some test the pull request and check if it fixes this issue?


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