
#55 Patch to fix No-IP max-interval setting being too high (causes notification emails)


Free No-IP hosts expire after 30 days of inactivity, but No-IP sends a notification email when there are 7 days left. The max-interval in ddclient is set at 25 days, which is too high to avoid the email.

To fix this, the max-interval should be 21 days. Here's why. No-IP seems to send all the emails between about 9 AM and 10 AM PST, and their 23-day check seems to be based on the date of the last update and the date of the email, not the elapsed time between the two events. (e.g., I last updated on 2012-01-07 at 11:23:22 PM PST and I got a notification email at 2012-01-30 at 9:11 AM. The difference in the dates is 23 but the elapsed time is only 22.91 days.) Since ddclient measures elapsed time and not a difference in dates, it should update at least as frequently as every 22 days so that the difference in dates is always less than 23. Additionally, we don't know which timezone the No-IP server software uses, so it could be that it does the daily check right after midnight in the server software's timezone. If so, then if a client's last update was just before midnight in that same timezone then the next update 22 days later could end up completing moments after the daily check on the No-IP servers and the date difference at the time of the check would be 23. So for safety, we should actually update a little more often than every 22 days--i.e., every 21 days.

Attaching a patch against trunk to make this change.

1 Attachments


  • Tristan Schmelcher

    • summary changed from No-IP max-interval setting is too high (causes notification emails) to Patch to fix No-IP max-interval setting being too high (causes notification emails)
  • Tristan Schmelcher

    Hmm, actually, it seems that this doesn't completely fix the problem. In addition to this issue, No-IP also doesn't reset the expiration time when ddclient sends an update with the same IP! The only way to reset it without changing the IP is to update with their web UI.