
beamer-tool / News: Recent posts

Basic technologies in place

Finally all piece are (more or less ;-) ) in place. Mixing all together and filling with live is straight forward now.

beamer-tool is going towards its 3.1 release very soon!

Posted by Sebastian Just 2010-08-29

Windows7 supported

After getting finally Windows7 on my laptop I can verify that beamer-tool is running fine on Windows7.

Stay tuned for the upcomming 3.1 release of beamer-tool!

Posted by Sebastian Just 2010-08-27

Still alive

After a long time of stopped work, I finaly started over again.

Right now a lot a basic libraries are replaced and the old 2D/Swing stuff is working again.
Due to this library move the next release will be version 3.1 (skipping the 3.0 branch completly) . Also it allows a more flexible configuration with dedicated server and viewer components (if required, it is not enforced).

Currently I'm a little bit struggled with the Maven packaging but this should be solveable in no time though a new beta release should be near :)

Posted by Sebastian Just 2010-08-21

Move to SVN

I decided to move from CVS to SVN after working with SVN in other projects like SMSlib ( and reading some documentation about SVN.

SVN supports file movement and uses UTF as log message encoding.

The main code base of beamer-tool is just migrated to SVN and CVS is deprecated.
Within the next hours beamer-tool_c++ should be in SVN, too. is updated and a new mailinglist for developers is also installed.
Through this mailinglist the developers of beamer-tool can discuss about next releases and see current SVN diffs.

Posted by Sebastian Just 2008-03-25

Release beamer-tool v.3.0.0-beta17

This release fixes a log of bugs and beamer-tool_admin becomes almost release-ready.
The GUI is completly rebuild but the configuration wizzard will be first availible in 3.1.

beamer-tool_viewer has a lot of performance flaws but should work stable, too.
Event message filtering works again.

The depolyment problems with java are also fixed.
For Windows there will be a exe for beamer-tool_admin and viewer each. These exe contain the complete wrapped jar with all additional files.... read more

Posted by Sebastian Just 2008-03-14

beamer-tool v3 betas

The rewrite of beamer-tool from C++ to Java comes to its end.

The basic infracstructure is stable and the libaries dosen't change for a quite long time now.
Platform specific startup-files and other platform specific problems have been adressed, too.

beamer-tool_admin is ready for the first release candidate. The wizzard isn't finished yet. It will be complete in 3.1.
beamer-tool_viewer instead need some tweaks. The swing part is at 99% but the OpenGL-stuff has some problems. At least performance ones....... read more

Posted by Sebastian Just 2008-03-11

Pre-Release v.3.0-alpha

Today I released version 3.0-alpha of beamer-tool.

It's the beginning of the rewrite of beamer-tool v2.

For more details please read the release notes.

Posted by Sebastian Just 2007-09-19

beamer-tool v.2.0 in action

On 2006-12-02 beamer-tool was in action.
It served over 130 short-messages without any problems.
You can see photos on

Posted by Sebastian Just 2006-12-05

Release 2.0

Today release 2.0 is released.

beamer-tool is written completly in Qt4.0 and has several bugfixes.

There are still a lot of feature requests, but they will be included in minor updates during the next weeks.

Posted by Sebastian Just 2006-11-30


Now, beamer-tool has it's own project-page at and it's own SourceForge-project at

At the moment, only the old sources of beamer-tool v.1.0 are availible.

But the new version of beamer-tool, beamer-tool v2, should be released on 2006-12-02.

Betas are availible through CVS or the nighty tarball.

Posted by Sebastian Just 2006-11-25