
beamer-tool v3 betas

The rewrite of beamer-tool from C++ to Java comes to its end.

The basic infracstructure is stable and the libaries dosen't change for a quite long time now.
Platform specific startup-files and other platform specific problems have been adressed, too.

beamer-tool_admin is ready for the first release candidate. The wizzard isn't finished yet. It will be complete in 3.1.
beamer-tool_viewer instead need some tweaks. The swing part is at 99% but the OpenGL-stuff has some problems. At least performance ones....

Yesterday I added the beamer-tool to under . Maybe new contributors find its way to the project.
Today the main page of beamer-tool is down but it should be up within this day and I can update the parner list ;)

Posted by Sebastian Just 2008-03-11

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