
Autojar / News: Recent posts

Autojar 2.1 released

New option -A: When a class uses resources (Class.getResource() etc.), Autojar can find and add the corresponding file automatically, or issue a warning. Same procedure and limitations as with Class.forName().

New pseudo option -Y: If a library A.jar is prefixed by -Y in the parameter list, the classes in A.jar will not be added, only external classes they depend.

Note: Autojar-plugin still contains Autojar 2.01. The plugin will soon become a separate Sourceforge project. It will then be updated to the latest Autojar version.

Posted by Bernd Eggink 2011-05-13

autojar-2.0.1 and plugin 1.0.2 released

These versions contain fixes for all reported problems as well as an enhancement of the resources wizard page.

Posted by Bernd Eggink 2008-11-11

autojar-plugin 1.0.1 released

This is a bugfix version. Classpaths should be created correctly now under Windows.

Posted by Bernd Eggink 2008-10-22

Autojar-2.0 and Eclipse plugin 1.0 released

After a big delay (sorry) we present Autojar Eclipse plugin 1.0. To overcome the limitations of the first version, the plugin has been completely rewritten. Creation of archives is no longer constrained to an Eclipse project. There may still be some quirks, feedback is much appreciated!

Posted by Bernd Eggink 2008-07-06

Autojar-2.0pre3 released

Bug fix: Option -e and treatment of extension classes should work correctly now.

Posted by Bernd Eggink 2007-10-07

autojar-2.0pre2 released

Some bugs fixed. Added recursive patterns **.class (look up and copy a complete package, including subpackages) and ** (look up and copy a complete directory, including sub-directories).

Posted by Bernd Eggink 2007-08-07

autojar-plugin-1.0pre2 released

No substantial changes, but the plugin got a version number which is accepted under Windows.

Posted by Bernd Eggink 2007-07-09

Autojar-2.0pre1 with Eclipse plugin released

A pre version of Autojar-2.0 has been released, as well as the first version of an Autojar Eclipse plugin. Both are intended mainly for beta testing, please report bugs and feature requests!

Posted by Bernd Eggink 2007-07-03

Autojar on EclipseCon 2007

A preview of the upcoming Autojar 1.4 plugin for Eclipse 3 will be shown at the EclipseCon 2007 in Santa Clara, California, ( on Thursday, 8th of March at 11:00, Room 207.

Posted by Bernd Eggink 2007-02-21

autojar-1.3.1 released

Autojar-1.3.1 contains minor bugfixes and a new option -X to exclude unwanted files. Additionally, a list of unused archived is printed in verbose mode.

Posted by Bernd Eggink 2006-07-02