
#188 Outdated documentation/comments in "trembling.asy"


While playing with the "trembling" module (more or less undocumented in the manual) I discovered that apparently the syntax for using this module has changed. The original examples on

are not valid anymore (understandable as they are some years old).

While the interface was changed, the comments within the file itself were not. They are written in a weird "asyxml" XML format which seems to have been used to generate documentation. However, I can't see where this is actually used nowadays (this XML dialect only appears in trembling.asy) and also the comments are wrong now, documenting probably the old and not the new interface.

• The comment in lines 32 and 34-35 document only one variable whereas now there are three of them (line 33).
• The function "atime" (line 63) is called "attract" in the function signature described in the comments in lines 61/62.
• There is no such function as "tremble" (comment in lines 152/152), especially not with that signature regarding parameter and return types.

While having a minimum of documentation for the various functions and their usage might be useful, I think that having no documentation at all is better than having wrong documentation. I'd prefer to see all these strange <asyxml> comment lines with their random linebreaks consistently removed in order not to create confusion (they're barely readable anyway) for a reader who tries to find out how to use this module…

Please consider either dropping these comments or replacing them with more up-to-date information. Thanks!

PS: I just see that "geometry.asy" also contains <asyxml> snippets. I have not checked it, but in case that module was also rewritten within the last few years, the problem of outdated/invalid function and signature documentation might also apply here…


  • John Bowman

    John Bowman - 2015-05-08
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • John Bowman

    John Bowman - 2015-05-08

    Fixed in r5700.