
Android Screenshots and Screen Capture / News: Recent posts

Screenshots are updated!

Added new screenshots from the last release, some of the old ones are updated.

Posted by Illya Yalovyy 2010-11-07

Android Screenshots and Screen Capture v1.1

Android Screenshots and Screen Capture v1.1 has been released. There are several new features and many improvements.

Posted by Illya Yalovyy 2010-11-01

Video: Android Screen Capture in action

If you were ever interested in recording a video from Android phone, you might be interested in the following video.

The video shows a screen of an Android phone and a computer screen to compare visual experiences. It also demonstrates the Auto Capture mode of Android Screenshots tool which can be used for application Screen Casts. read more

Posted by mightypocket 2010-09-28

Windows Installer for Android Screen Capture

Exciting news! As part of our movement to simplify Android screenshooting, please welcome Windows Installer for Android Screen Capture.

The new installation package covers basic application setup such as creating installation folder and placing program icons. Other installation challenges such as JDK and Android SDK should be addressed manually.

The following guide might be helpful: read more

Posted by mightypocket 2010-09-20

Fresh release of Android Screen Capture

We are pleased to announce a fresh release of Android Screenshots and Screen Capture with the following improvements:

  • improved usability such as automatic connect and instant screen refresh.
  • image transformations such as zooming and rotation.
  • Auto Capture mode now saves only changed screenshots.
  • changes in top 40px of status bar such as signal strength bar and clock are ignored.

For more details please visit:... read more

Posted by mightypocket 2010-09-15

Android Screen Capture v0.4 is out!

A few minor bugs related to Mac Os X were fixed.

Posted by Illya Yalovyy 2010-09-07

Android Screen Capture v0.3

  • fixed bug ID:3034607 Full screen mode and landscape oriented screenshot
  • support for different scale factors is implemented for presentation mode
  • screenshot could be named/saved automatically or user can select name for each screenshot manually.
Posted by Illya Yalovyy 2010-08-01

Release 0.2

Initial application release.

Posted by Illya Yalovyy 2010-07-25