
#642 New creature Mimic. sprites + suggesting stats.


Hope it's acceptable.

After comparing the stats of the existing creatures I came up with these suggested stats.

name: Mimic
class : spirit
atk 260 //hits like monks
def 39 //between black slime and elder skeleton
HP 200 //Black slime range
Speed - 0.4 // Being shaped like a chest isn't helping it's speed.
Size - 32x32 96x128
Level 25
XP 400
Drops - //as sentient treasure chests they could be rich in money, drop low level swords, armor, boots, various (honestly kind of useless) equipment.

If I'm figuring it right this would make them ideal in early caves, and dungeon areas ie Kobold side of Semos Mines,

Thanks for your time.



  • soniccuz

    soniccuz - 2013-02-18

    Mimic sprite sheet

  • AntumDeluge

    AntumDeluge - 2013-02-19

    Thanks for the request and sprite. I will add it to CVS for testing to see what others think.

  • AntumDeluge

    AntumDeluge - 2013-02-19
    • status: open --> pending
  • soniccuz

    soniccuz - 2013-02-19

    Idle sprite

  • soniccuz

    soniccuz - 2013-02-19

    Added an original idle sprite so it can close it's chest when not attacking. Will have to make another mimic that resembles the bank chests sometime. Should of thought of that sooner.

  • bluelads4

    bluelads4 - 2013-02-21


    I tested the mimic and got the following results/ideas afterwards:

    * I would suggest to decrease the atk rate for the mimic. It hits really strong now and might be too strong for his level

    * It would be great if it can get an own description

    * To drops: Money fits well and maybe something like a normal dagger and a broadsword?

  • soniccuz

    soniccuz - 2013-02-21

    * I completely agree. I suggested a high attack so they'd be some what unique from the other 25's but, this is more damage then I expected.

    * That would be nice. Couldn't think of anything at the time. Hm, what to say about mimics...

    * Those drops sound good to me. :)
    I was also thinking maybe golden boots as an uncommon drop but, he might not be a tough enough creature to warrant that.

  • soniccuz

    soniccuz - 2013-02-23

    Changes to the mimics xml

  • soniccuz

    soniccuz - 2013-02-23

    Cross fingers that I've done this right.
    I set up a local server and toyed with the mimics stats until I found something that I will work. Also added the drops blue suggested.
    The file should contain:

    Index: data/conf/creatures/hybrid.xml

    RCS file: /cvsroot/arianne/stendhal/data/conf/creatures/hybrid.xml,v
    retrieving revision 1.12
    diff -u -r1.12 hybrid.xml
    --- data/conf/creatures/hybrid.xml 19 Feb 2013 04:33:48 -0000 1.12
    +++ data/conf/creatures/hybrid.xml 23 Feb 2013 01:30:08 -0000
    @@ -447,18 +447,20 @@
    <type class="hybrid" subclass="mimic_still" tileid="hybrid.png:14"/>
    - <atk value="260"/>
    - <def value="39"/>
    - <hp value="200"/>
    - <speed value="0.4"/>
    + <atk value="240"/>
    + <def value="41"/>
    + <hp value="170"></hp>
    + <speed value="0.4"></speed>
    <size value="1,1"/>
    <level value="25"/>
    - <experience value="400"/>
    - <respawn value="1200"/>
    + <experience value="400"></experience>
    + <respawn value="1200"></respawn>
    <corpse name="animal"/>
    - <item value="money" quantity="[50,85]" probability="50.0"/>
    + <item value="money" quantity="[45,85]" probability="50.0"></item>
    + <item value="broadsword" quantity="[1,1]" probability="4.0" /><item
    + value="dagger" quantity="[1,1]" probability="3.5" />

  • bluelads4

    bluelads4 - 2013-02-23
    • assigned_to: nobody --> bluelads99
  • bluelads4

    bluelads4 - 2013-02-23

    I'll add these changes tomorrow on CVS or later tonight so they will show up on the testserver on monday morning :) Are there any suggestions for where mimics should be placed at? Like is there a specific place you thought of or should they appear in forrest or mountains for example?



  • soniccuz

    soniccuz - 2013-02-23

    For placement I don't have a specific place in mind but, they're more cave dwellers. Would expect to find them inside of mountains but, not on them. Maybe if the forest was particularly dark?

    As a general rule I imagine they don't like sunlight but, a lot of the mountains are kind of barren aren't they? Maybe the odd mimic or, two that doesn't mind the sunlight could be placed on them.

    Semos caves and mountains, Ados caves, and maybe with the Dwarfs in Ados Outside. Just to throw some ideas out.

    They'd sit along walls minding their own business hoping to entice players to open them. :)

    - soniccuz

  • bluelads4

    bluelads4 - 2013-02-23

    I added the patch to CVS now with the reworked stats. It will be online on testserver tomorrow (sunday) morning I think after the server started again. I also gave it a description saying: You see a mimic. Its content might be different from what you expect.
    That can of course be changed, thought it might be good to add one for testing :) IF you have other suggestions please tell in here about them :)
    Map suggestions sound good, going to check serveral maps out tomorrow and placing some around Faiumoni :)



  • AntumDeluge

    AntumDeluge - 2013-02-24

    I was planning on placing a couple mimics in the snake pit.

    I think that golden legs would be a better drop than golden boots. As of right now golden legs are only dropped by 1 creature. Because of the mimics low level it should probably be a pretty low drop rate. I'm thinking 0.5%. The oni archer, which is level 72, drops at 2%.

  • AntumDeluge

    AntumDeluge - 2013-02-24

    Idle sprite added to CVS.

  • AntumDeluge

    AntumDeluge - 2013-02-24

    It would be ideal if we could program the mimic so that the health bar and name did not display while it was idle to deceive players. Also, would it be possible to program the mimic to not come out of idle state until the player is within 1 or 2 steps?

  • soniccuz

    soniccuz - 2013-02-25

    The idle image doesn't seem to show up. Just a red square until they go active.

  • bluelads4

    bluelads4 - 2013-02-25

    Did you use a new and fresh client for testing? When you have an older one, new sprites and pics don't show up, just a GFX not found square. Didn't check it out so far on my own, maybe a new client might solve that already.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Ah, that sounds like it'll solve the issue! Thank you blue.

  • bluelads4

    bluelads4 - 2013-06-07
    • status: pending --> closed-accepted
    • Group: -->
  • bluelads4

    bluelads4 - 2013-06-07

    This creature has been implemented. Thanks for the suggest!



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